Aaron Yoder

MCPH 3038 UNMC Midtown NE 68198-4388
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Simple Steps Can Prevent Water and Flood Damage in Homes

June 27, 2008

Recent flooding and heavy rains have many Midwesterners cleaning and drying out homes, basements and crawlspaces. However, next time heavy rains hit, the potential for water and flood damage can be reduced, a UNL housing and environment specialist said.

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Handling Scabby and DON-Affected Wheat Grain

June 20, 2008

For more information

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Corn Borer Moths Flying; Begin Scouting For 1st Generation Borers

June 20, 2008

Photo of a European corn borer larva

European corn borer larva (top) and moth

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Pumping Plant Changes Can Mean more Money for Irrigators

June 20, 2008

Some irrigators are paying twice as much as necessary to pump water to their crops, said a University of Nebraska-Lincoln specialist.

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Estimating Crop Evapotranspiration

June 6, 2008

A Factor in Irrigation Management

Evapotranspiration (ET) can be defined as the loss of water from the ground, lake or pond, and vegetative surfaces to the atmosphere through vaporization of liquid water. In agro-ecosystems, ET is the sum of two terms:


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