Aaron Yoder

MCPH 3038 UNMC Midtown NE 68198-4388
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New NDA Assistant Director Announced

July 11, 2008

Nebraska native Ginger Langemeier has been hired as the new NDA assistant director.

"Ginger comes to us with strong experience in public policy development, as well as agricultural roots through her family's farming operation in Hooper," said NDA Director Greg Ibach.

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Poll: Rural Nebraskans Strongly Support Renewable Energy

July 11, 2008

Rural Nebraskans overwhelmingly support aggressive pursuit of renewable forms of energy to resolve the energy crisis, according to the Nebraska Rural Poll. Yet Nebraska is one of 18 states with no standards to require such development.

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Application Timing and Preharvest Intervals for Wheat Fungicides

July 2, 2008

Double Check the Restrictions for Your Fungicide

Photo of wheat scab.
Figure 1. Septoria leaf blotch in wheat.

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Should Hail-Damaged Corn be Treated With Foliar Fungicides?

June 27, 2008

With the frequent hail events that have pounded Nebraska corn fields, many have questioned whether a foliar fungicide should be applied to protect the remaining injured foliage from infection by pathogens.

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