Loren Giesler

Dr. Loren Giesler became head of the Department of Plant Pathology Sept. 1, 2018, and is no longer conducting Extension programs in soybean pathology.

Twitter: @MulletManLG
PH.D., University of Nebraska - Lincoln, 1998

Dr. Giesler provides statewide leadership for extension plant pathology programs in soybeans and turfgrass diseases. He is the team leader for the Extension Plant Pathology Team which is a Nebraska group of extension Plant Pathologist responsible for disease management programs throughout Nebraska.  His main program focus is in soybeans and has included research projects on Bean Pod Mottle Virus, Soybean Cyst Nematode, Foliar Diseases and seedling diseases including Phytophthora root and stem rot.  He conducts disease management studies on soybean to evaluate the efficacy of soybean seed treatment fungicides and foliar products.  He served as a national leader for identification of soybean rust, coordinator for national soybean rust sentinel monitoring efforts from 2003 through 2012, and toured South America rust fungicide efficacy trials in 2004 and 2005. Dr. Giesler is currently working on several studies on soybean cyst nematode to improve management programs for this significant pest of soybean.  Through continued support of the Nebraska Soybean Board, a free soil sampling program for SCN is operated in his program that provides soybean farmers a way to determine if SCN is present in their fields.

Cow standing in pasture
This webinar on pasture lease considerations features discussion by Anastasia Meyer, extension agricultural economist, UNL Center for Agricultural Profitability; and Aaron Berger, livestock systems educator, Nebraska Extension.

Pasture Lease Provisions in 2024

April 11, 2024
This Center for Agricultural Profitability webinar reviews lease provisions that producers should have in pasture leases, as well as information about beef cow share agreements.

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Man and youth stand near tractor
Nebraska Extension Educator John Thomas (right) discusses a tractor's engine with a student before the driving exam. (Photo by Chabella Guzman)

2024 Tractor Safety Days Scheduled for May, June Across Nebraska

April 11, 2024
This annual event provides the training and testing necessary for Nebraska youth who require certification to perform duties on a farm, including a Hands-on Safety Day, and tractor and equipment safety training. 

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UNL-TAPS: Reflections on Seven Years of Irrigation and Nitrogen Management

April 11, 2024
Extension insights on the year-to-year variability in corn yield response to irrigation and nitrogen (N) fertilizer rates throughout seven years of the TAPS sprinkler irrigated corn competition.

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Tractor spreading black coal char in cattle pen
Coal char is applied to a cattle pen for research. After a snowfall, coal ash-applied pens dried quicker than the control pens, which was beneficial for cattle health.

Coal Char Enhances Manure and Soil Management to Improve Crop Production

April 11, 2024
A byproduct of processing sugarbeets, coal char has the potential to optimize soil nutrients and increase crop yields. In this article, UNL researchers share results of a study on incorporating coal char amendments into corn and dry bean cropland.

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Farm finance clinic banner
Though the farm finance and ag law clinics are offered monthly at sites across Nebraska, remote sessions are another option — call the number below to arrange a one-on-one meeting via phone or virtual platform.

Free Farm and Ag Law Clinics Set for April

April 10, 2024
There are two dates left in April for producers who are interested in receiving free legal and financial services — April 25 in Norfolk and April 26 in Greeley.

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Man operates drone in field
Though the startup costs can seem daunting, drones can help producers save time and reduce costs on numerous tasks involved in managing livestock.

Pasture and Forage Minute: Drones for Livestock Management, Drought Recovery

April 9, 2024
This week, extension educators weigh in on the pros and cons of drone use for livestock producers, and considerations for drought-damaged pastures and controlling winter annual weeds in alfalfa. 

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Oats in front of sunset
Historical crop progress data for Nebraska is available at USDA.

Crop Progress: Oats at 31% Planted, Wheat Condition Improved

April 9, 2024
Oat planting continues to surge ahead of average pace this year, and winter wheat crop conditions showed slight improvement following recent precipitation.

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FRST logo
The new Fertilizer Recommendation Support Tool, which provides critical phosphorus and potassium soil test values, will soon include a research-based phosphorus or potassium rate response information to assist farmers in selecting the minimum fertilizer rate expected to produce maximal crop yield..

Fertilizer Recommendation Support Tool to Digitize Crop Nutrient Management Launches Nationwide

April 9, 2024
A significant advancement in soil testing, a new web-based fertilizer decision support tool will potentially save farmers millions of dollars annually while reducing excess nutrient losses to the environment.

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