Lance Meinke

volunteer, emeriti
  • Emeritus Professor University of Nebraska–Lincoln
Work Entomology Hall (ENTO) 109B
Lincoln NE 68583-0816
Work 402-472-2123 On campus, dial 2-2123
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Faculty Bio

Soybean Cyst Nematodes in 45 Nebraska Counties

April 25, 2008

Trials Show Value of Resistant Varieties

Are YOU adding to soybean yield losses from SCN?

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Research: Pesticide Exposure Extends to Applicator's Family

April 18, 2008 

Most people understand the benefits of using pesticides to control pests, but more and more of us also are concerned about the possible harmful effects of pesticides on the health and safety of our family and pets.

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Dates Set for UNL Weed Science Field Tours

April 25, 2008 

The 2008 UNL Weed Science Field Tours will be in June and July. These tours are an excellent opportunity to view a sampling of the latest concepts, tools and herbicides for weed management in Nebraska.

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Options for Winterkilled Alfalfa

April 25, 2008 

Reports are coming in about winterkilled alfalfa in low spots of fields where waterlogged soils or ice may have killed plants.

If you have fields where you suspect a problem, it's important to assess the extent as soon as possible and then consider your optiions.

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Market Journal: Water Reservoirs Improving

April 18, 2008 

On this week's Market Journal host Doug Jose talks with Otto Doering, professor of ag economics at Purdue University, about likely public response to federal conservation programs. Despite the decline in the rigor of conservation compliance in the past two farm bills, Doering sees stronger compliance regulations in the future.

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