April 25, 2008
The 2008 UNL Weed Science Field Tours will be in June and July. These tours are an excellent opportunity to view a sampling of the latest concepts, tools and herbicides for weed management in Nebraska.
June 17 – Lincoln
Location: Havelock Research Farm, 84th and Havelock streets
Leader: Mark Bernards, Extension Weeds Specialist
Time: 8:30 am
Registration: No fee
- Timing of winter annual weed removal
- Burndown herbicides for corn and soybean
- New herbicides for corn - Balance Flexx, Corvus, Prequel
- Kixor - new active ingredient for corn, sorghum and soybean
- KIH-485 - new active ingredient for corn and soybean
- Liberty Link soybean
- New and developmental herbicides for sorghum - Degree XTRA, Huskie, Lumax
- Preemergence herbicides for soybean
- Herbicide programs for corn
June 19 – Scottsbluff
Location: Panhandle Research and Extension Center, 4502 Ave. I
Leader: Bob Wilson, Extension Weeds Specialist
Time: 8:30 am
Registration: No fee. Lunch will be provided
- New herbicides for weed control in corn: Kixor, Balance Flexx, Laudis, Halex GT, and KIH 485
- Common lambsquarters control in Roundup Ready corn
- Influence of different degrees of weed control in corn on next years sugarbeets
- Weed control programs for Roundup Ready sugarbeets plus adjuvant and fertilizer with glyphosate
- New weed control programs for dry beans
- Olympus for selective weed control in perennial range grasses
July 9 – Concord
Location: Haskel Ag Lab, 57905 866 Road
Leader: Stevan Knezevic, Extension weeds specialist
Time: 1:00 pm
Registration: No fee (starts at 12:30)
- Propane flaming on weeds, field corn, sweet corn and popcorn
- Weed control studies near the Platte River
- Liberty Link soybeans
- Soybean preemergence herbicide programs
- Spring burndown herbicide programs
- New Bayer herbicides including Balance Flexx
- New BASF herbicide Kixor.
- General corn weed control studies including Halex GT, SureStart, KIH-485, and DuPont Q programs including Prequel
- Corn and soybean variety trials