John Wilson

111 N 13th St Tekamah NE 68061-1098
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Location: Based in Burt County with responsibilities there and in Thurston and Dakota counties; statewide responsibilities with soybean cyst nematode education
Program Areas:  Crop Production, particularly corn, soybeans & alfalfa; integrated pest management, particularly insects, diseases & nematodes
Focus Area: Soybean cyst nematodes and soybean diseases
Education: BS and MS degrees in agronomy (crop production option) from University of Nebraska-Lincoln

UNL Spreadsheet Helps Determine Economic Feasibility of Storing Co-products

June 20, 2008

A new spreadsheet developed by UNL Extension can help producers better calculate the costs of storing wet distillers grains or other co-products on-site.

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Advice for Selecting a Home Contractor Can Help Avoid Unwelcome Surprises

June 20, 2008

Many Midwesterners who are drying out after several weeks of stormy weather soon will turn their attention to repairing their homes. Finding a reliable contractor can be a challenge, especially since less-than-reputable workers often emerge to take advantage of natural disasters.

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Replant Options following Corn Preemergence Herbicide Applications

June 6, 2008

Bad weather and excessive rainfall have many growers facing replant decisions. We have received many questions on replant options in fields where preemergence herbicides were applied to corn. There are two primary issues to address: 

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Field Updates

June 6, 2008

Grain bins torn apart in a field
Grain bins torn apart and dropped in a nearby field near Ceresco in Saunders County. (IANR Photo by Brett Hampton)

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