John Wilson

111 N 13th St Tekamah NE 68061-1098
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Location: Based in Burt County with responsibilities there and in Thurston and Dakota counties; statewide responsibilities with soybean cyst nematode education
Program Areas:  Crop Production, particularly corn, soybeans & alfalfa; integrated pest management, particularly insects, diseases & nematodes
Focus Area: Soybean cyst nematodes and soybean diseases
Education: BS and MS degrees in agronomy (crop production option) from University of Nebraska-Lincoln

Monitor Stored & Standing Corn for Grain Mold Diseases

March 5, 2010

Just because your corn may be out of the field doesn’t mean it’s “out of the woods,” so to speak.

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Scouting and Treating Western Bean Cutworms

July 10, 2009

Photo of a western bean cutworm moth
Western bean cutworm moth

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