John Wilson

111 N 13th St Tekamah NE 68061-1098
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Location: Based in Burt County with responsibilities there and in Thurston and Dakota counties; statewide responsibilities with soybean cyst nematode education
Program Areas:  Crop Production, particularly corn, soybeans & alfalfa; integrated pest management, particularly insects, diseases & nematodes
Focus Area: Soybean cyst nematodes and soybean diseases
Education: BS and MS degrees in agronomy (crop production option) from University of Nebraska-Lincoln

Is Treatment of Soybean Aphids Warranted at R5 or early R6?

August 25, 2011

Soybean aphids are still present, but we are nearing the period when populations decline and soybeans are less likely to incur economic yield loss. Declining night temperatures and shorter days initiate migration of soybean aphids back to buckthorn, their overwintering host.

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Late Season Treatment not Advised for Frogeye Leaf Spot in Soybeans

August 25, 2011

Frogeye leaf spot is more common than usual this year in several areas of Nebraska. Some fields scattered over the eastern third of the state have fairly severe levels of infection, but most have minor levels.

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