Allan Vyhnalek

volunteer, emeriti
Work Filley Hall (FYH) 102
Lincoln NE 68583-0922
Work 402-472-3401 On campus, dial 2-3401
Download vCard for Allan Vyhnalek
Allan Vyhnalek has spent over 34 years in Extension working in both Iowa and Nebraska. He is a native of Saline County, Nebraska.Vyhnalek received his Bachelor and Master of Science Degrees from the University of Nebraska, Lincoln in Agricultural Education. He taught in high school and post-secondary classrooms for 8 ½ years prior to joining Extension.<br><br>His current role is as Extension Educator for Farm/Ranch Succession and Transition – state-wide.He works from Ag Economics Department at UNL.<br><br>He has a passion for the future of rural Nebraska. That is why he is interested in helping individuals, groups, and communities understand how good communications, negotiation skills and generational differences relate to how communities and families function as we develop Nebraska for future generations.

Twitter: @arvred73
Allan Vyhnalek has worked in Extension in Iowa and Nebraska for 28 years. A native of Saline County, Nebraska, Vyhnalek received BS and MS degrees from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln in agricultural education.  He taught in high school and post-secondary classrooms for 8.5 years prior to joining Extension.
Focus Areas: Farm Management and Ag Economics
Educational Programming: Ag marketing, farm leases, landlord/tenant relationships, farm transition, and estate planning

Workshop flyer

Third Annual Panhandle Soil Health Workshop March 2 in Bridgeport

February 2, 2022
Speakers from UNL and other academic institutions, as well as the USDA NRCS will present information on soil health, soil health programs and management practices that affect soil health in the region.

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Prairie grasses

Growers Invited to Prairie STRIPS Virtual Learning Circle

February 2, 2022
Participants will learn more about native prairie and the potential ways it can benefit a farm's viability while restoring landscapes, and connect with other growers and resource providers.

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Oat ryegrass mixture
A spring pasture mix of oats and ryegrass. (Photo by Jerry Volesky)

Pasture and Forage Minute: Planning Spring Annual Forages, Cereal Silage

January 31, 2022
Extension educators discuss considerations for spring annual forages in Nebraska and optimum timing of cereal grain crop harvest for silage.

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FarmBits episode banner

FarmBits Podcast: Serving Farmers Autonomously with Sabanto

January 31, 2022
Craig Rupp, CEO of Sabanto Ag, discusses Sabanto's autonomous machinery platform and other related topics, such as the meaning of full-stack autonomy and why Farming-as-a-Service (FaaS) is a viable model for implementing autonomy.

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Windbreak in field
Now through April, USDA NASS will survey Nebraska farmers and ranchers about agroforestry practices they may use on their land, including windbreaks, silvopasture, riparian forest buffers, alley cropping, forest farming and multi-story cropping.

USDA NASS to Conduct First-ever Agroforestry Survey

January 31, 2022
Now through April 5, approximately 200 farmers and ranchers in Nebraska will be surveyed about their agroforestry practices.

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Financial graph

USDA to Measure Financial Well-Being of Nebraska Farmers and Ranchers

January 31, 2022
The survey asks producers to provide in-depth information about their operating revenues, production costs and household characteristics.

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Chemigation equipment

Chemigation Certification Training Set in Scottsbluff, Sidney, Bridgeport, Alliance

January 27, 2022
In addition to the upcoming in-person sessions, Nebraska Extension's chemigation certification training and testing will also be offered online for all Nebraskans throughout February, March and April.

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Dry edible beans

2022 Dry Edible Bean Day Set for Feb. 8 at Gering Civic Center, Zoom Option

January 27, 2022
The 2022 program will feature information on dry bean revenue insurance, irrigation water outlook and discussion of on-farm research with UNL specialists, with in-person and virtual attendance options.

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