Allan Vyhnalek

volunteer, emeriti
Work Filley Hall (FYH) 102
Lincoln NE 68583-0922
Work 402-472-3401 On campus, dial 2-3401
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Allan Vyhnalek has spent over 34 years in Extension working in both Iowa and Nebraska. He is a native of Saline County, Nebraska.Vyhnalek received his Bachelor and Master of Science Degrees from the University of Nebraska, Lincoln in Agricultural Education. He taught in high school and post-secondary classrooms for 8 ½ years prior to joining Extension.<br><br>His current role is as Extension Educator for Farm/Ranch Succession and Transition – state-wide.He works from Ag Economics Department at UNL.<br><br>He has a passion for the future of rural Nebraska. That is why he is interested in helping individuals, groups, and communities understand how good communications, negotiation skills and generational differences relate to how communities and families function as we develop Nebraska for future generations.

Twitter: @arvred73
Allan Vyhnalek has worked in Extension in Iowa and Nebraska for 28 years. A native of Saline County, Nebraska, Vyhnalek received BS and MS degrees from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln in agricultural education.  He taught in high school and post-secondary classrooms for 8.5 years prior to joining Extension.
Focus Areas: Farm Management and Ag Economics
Educational Programming: Ag marketing, farm leases, landlord/tenant relationships, farm transition, and estate planning

Panhandle No-Till Conference Nov. 18-19

October 17, 2008

Experienced and novice no-tillers can gain valuable information on managing no-till production systems in western Nebraska at the 2008 Panhandle No-Till Partnership Conference this week.

It will be held from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Nov. 18-19 at the Gering Civic Center at 1050 M St.

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AgrAbility helps Nebraska Farmers with Limitations

October 17, 2008

Nebraska AgrAbility, a partnership of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln Extension and Easter Seals Nebraska, helps Nebraska farmers and ranchers with disabilities find assistive technologies that will help them get back to work, said Sharry Nielsen, Extension Educator focused on farm safety in west central Nebraska.

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Fall is Optimum Time to Test for SCN

October 3, 2008

Soybean Board Pays for SCN Soil Tests

Last year, soybean cyst nematodes (SCN) robbed Nebraska farmers of over $25 million in lost soybean yields. This is more than from all other soybean diseases combined.

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Estimating Corn Drying Time

October 3, 2008

Farmer Question: About how long should it take to dry 20% moisture corn to 15% using natural air during the last three weeks in October?

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Salvaging Green Soybeans for Forage or Green Manure

October 3, 2008

Late planted beans may not mature before frost, but all is not lost. There are several salvage options for these beans. One of the better options is to use these beans as a forage. After all, when soybeans were first introduced to the United States they were used as forage. Today they still can be used effectively for grazing, hay, or silage.

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How a Freeze Affects Forages

October 3, 2008

If you haven't experienced a freeze yet this fall, you soon will. When this happens, be prepared to adjust livestock feeding. When plants freeze, changes occur in their metabolism and composition that can poison livestock.

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Thistle Control During October

October 3, 2008

Timing is everything. That's particularly true with thistle control and October to early November is one of the best times to apply herbicides for thistle control.

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Poultry Litter Can Be a Valuable Source of Nitrogen and Phosphorus

October 3, 2008

The high cost of fertilizer nutrients is convincing some producers to go to the birds — poultry, that is. More specifically, they are turning to poultry waste, or "litter."

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