Eric Hunt

Work Hardin Hall (HARH) 157 North
Lincoln NE 68583-0931
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Man and woman arguing
More often than not, both sides share a role in and a responsibility for escalation of a situation. Offering an apology allows you to accept your role in the situation and work toward a reconciliation. (Center for Ag Profitability photo)

Can We Be Sorry? Navigating Disagreements on the Farm

August 29, 2023
There can be many roadblocks in reconciling after a fight — learning how to identify and overcome these obstacles is the first step in taking responsibility and improving your relationships with loved ones. 

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Corn in dent phase
Historical crop progress data for Nebraska is available at USDA.

Crop Progress: Crop, Pasture Conditions Decline Following Record-setting Heat Wave

August 29, 2023
Nebraska crops experienced a slight decrease in condition after an intense heat wave scorched the Midwest for nearly a week.

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Center pivot in field
A pivot irrigates plots at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln Panhandle Research Extension and Education Center. (Photo by Chabella Guzman)

Irrigation Season to End in September

August 29, 2023
A review of this year's irrigation season in the Panhandle and crop water use expectations for Aug. 28-Sept. 3.

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N Field logo

This Week on N Field: Checking Center Pivot Pressure

August 25, 2023
Recommendations on the cheapest, easiest ways of monitoring water pressure to ensure a center pivot is operating correctly.

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Farmer with laptop in field
The USDA NASS Technology Use Survey is conducted every two years. To see past results of the survey, visit the USDA NASS online archive.

Nebraska Computer and Internet Use on Farms

August 25, 2023
Computer use and internet access has risen in Nebraska, according to USDA NASS's latest survey on technology in ag.

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Troy Anderson in university lab
A research team that included Husker entomologist Troy Anderson has discovered a potential breakthrough in combating the Varroa mite, a parasite whose spread of viruses can trigger catastrophic losses of honey bee colonies. (Photo by Craig Chandler, University Communication and Marketing)

Research Boosts Honey Bee Protection Against Deadly Viruses

August 25, 2023
The research team, which includes Husker entomologist Troy Anderson, has identified a drug treatment that stimulates and dramatically strengthens honey bees’ immune systems.

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Fence and barbed wire

'Mending the Stress Fence' Virtual Programs Set for Aug. 29 and Sept. 5

August 25, 2023
The upcoming webinars will provide information on identifying common stressors, recognizing stress symptoms, and managing stress.

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Ron and Brad Makovicka standing in field

Growing Results: Nitrogen Fertilization in Soybeans

August 25, 2023
Learn about the Makovickas' 2023 on-farm research, which includes studying how soybeans in high-yield environments respond to supplemental nitrogen.

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