UNL CropWatch Dec. 4, 2009 -- New Method Measures Water Use by Invasive Plants

A new method for determining how much water is used by invasive plant species along the North Platte River will be the topic of a December 11 seminar at the UNL Panhandle Research and Extension Center.

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CW2009-10-13 Limited Irrigation Clinic

October 13, 2009

This clinic was canceled November 24 due to limited registration numbers.

Colorado State University and the University of Nebraska-Lincoln are jointly hosting this year’s Crop Clinic on Limited Irrigation Systems Dec. 2-3 at Sterling, Colo.

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UNL CropWatch Nov. 20, 2009 Growing Corn and Soybeans to Fuel Nebraska Workshops Nov. 30-Dec.

November 20, 2009

Increasing farmer profits will be the theme at UNL Extension's Growing Corn and Soybeans to Fuel Nebraska workshops scheduled for five locations November 30 to December 4. Growers can learn about a range of options to expand income opportunities or improve their profitability.

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UNL CropWatch Nov. 25, 2009 -- Organic Wheat & Sustainable Ag Crops & Livestock Co

November 25, 2009

Production of organic wheat and sustainable crops and livestock can offer some unique marketing opportunities in today's economy.  Learn about how to select the right wheat varieties, how current organic wheat producers are marketing their crop, and what resources are available to organic and transitioning farmers.

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UNL CropWatch Nov. 25, 2009 -- Returning to the Farm Workshop on Family Business Planning

This winter UNL will again offer the Returing to the Farm workshop to help students, beginning farmers, and their parents develop successful work and business plans for multi family farming operations.

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