Recommended Corn Cutting Height

October 27, 2009

Q: With this year’s above average corn height and ear placements 6 feet or higher on the plant, do we still want to pick the corn leaving an average stubble height or should stubble height be higher.

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Corn Ear Rots & Grain Molds

Diplodia ear rot

Figure 1. Diplodia ear rot usually begins at the base of the ear and can grow very quickly to take over the entire ear.

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Concerns about Mycotoxins in the 2009 Corn Crop

November 3, 2009


The presence of visible mold growth on corn does not mean mycotoxins are present, nor does the absence of visible mold growth mean mycotoxins are not present.

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USDA NRCS Initiates Study of How Tillage Affects Soil Quality

Dec. 4, 2009

Soil scientists with the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service are currently working on a project that will help farmers know how tillage methods impact soil quality. According to NRCS Soil Scientist Dave Kohake, the Dynamic Soils Properties study, based out of Lincoln, Neb., is the first of its kind for NRCS.

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Nebraska Irrigators Reduce Use of Water from Wells

Nebraska irrigators used less water from wells and off farm sources in 2008 than in 2003, according to USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service, Nebraska Field Office, based on the results of the 2008 Farm and Ranch Irrigation Survey. The survey is conducted every five years.

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UNL CropWatch Nov. 25, 2009 Poor Harvest Conditions Lead to Need to Test Hay Quality

November 25, 2009

Is your hay as good this year as it was last year? Maybe not if you faced some of these conditions:

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UNL CropWatch Nov. 20, 2009 -- Field Updates

November 20, 2009

Keith Glewen, Extension Educator in Saunders County: As of November 12 most of the soybeans in Saunders County were cut and approximately 60-65% of the corn had been harvested. Three to five hour lines at the elevator are not uncommon. Some growers have started applying anhydrous ammonia.

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