This winter UNL will again offer the Returing to the Farm workshop to help students, beginning farmers, and their parents develop successful work and business plans for multi family farming operations.
Bringing a young person into a farm/ranch operation can present challenges for a family ag operation, but it also can present opportunities for success and a means for the family to achieve goals such as keeping the farm/ranch in the family and ensuring a comfortable retirement for all involved.
Blending a variety of talents and personalities into one farming or ranching operation takes planning, communication, and management. The Returning to the Farm workshop guides families through the discussions and planning necessary to do it successfully.
Through this program participants will:
- Write short- and long-term business and family goals
- Assess the preferences of individuals in the operation
- Recognize personality temperaments and learn to work with each individual’s strengths
- Become informed about alternative business arrangements
- Analyze the financial performance of the operation
- Evaluate various operating alternative
To register, use the form available on the workshop Web site at Registrations received after the Nov. 30 deadline will becharged an additional $25. Registration is limited to the first 15 families with paid registrations.
The cost of the conference is $300 for the first four family members, plus $35 for each additional family member. This fee covers instruction, handouts, refreshments, Saturday continental breakfast and most meals.
Additional Information
For more information contact: Megan Voss, Project Coordinator, at 402-472-0079.