8-21-09 Dry Beans

August 21, 2009

Late Planted Beans Likely to Push the First Frost

Western Nebraska’s dry edible bean harvest is likely to drag on weeks longer than in most years, and in areas where planting was late, it will be a race between harvest and first frost.

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August 28, 2009

Black point
Figure 1. Black point on kernels.

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8-21-09 wheat variety tests

August 21, 2009

The attainable wheat yield in a particular season is mainly determined by the 

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8-21-09 Weather Updates

August 21, 2009

Welcome moisture finally fell across much of Nebraska August 14-16, helping alleviate moisture stress, particularly in areas of south central, central, and east central Nebraska. As producers enter the final stretch of the 2009 production season, it is time to look at some of the climatic issues that could still have an impact on yields.

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