Event: Ag Subsidies 09-10-23

October 23, 2009

A UNL agricultural economist will speak about the economics and politics of agricultural subsidies at UNL's East Union Oct. 30.

Wes Peterson's talk, "A Billion Dollars a Day: The Economics and Politics of Agricultural Subsidies," is scheduled for 2:30 p.m.

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Assessing Hail Damage

October 12, 2009

Two articles in a recent edition of the Iowa State University Integrated Crops Newsletter may be of interest to Nebraska producers:

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CW2009-10-09 Thistle Control

October 12, 2009

Timing is everything. That's particularly true with thistle control. And October to early November is one of the best times to use herbicides for thistle control.

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CW2009-10-12 USDA NE Crop Report

October 12, 2009

For the week ending October 11, temperatures averaged 16 degrees below normal across the state, ranging from low 70’s for highs to near single digits for lows. Most of the state received over a half inch of moisture. Record lows and record cold highs were reported.

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CW2009-10-09 USDA: Stored Grain

Octoer 12, 2009

Old crop corn stocks in all positions on September 1 totaled 196 million bushels, up 18% from September 1, 2008, according to USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service, Nebraska Field Office. Of the total stocks, 67 million bushels are stored on farm, up 40% from a year ago. Off-farm holdings of 129 million bushels are up 9% from 2008.

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