Gudmundsen Sandhills Lab Open House Aug. 27
August 15, 2008
Gudmundsen Sandhills Laboratory's ninth annual open house is scheduled for Wednesday, Aug. 27.
Activities are planned from 8 a.m. to 3:15 p.m. MDT at the Wagonhammer Education Center at the UNL facility near Whitman. Presentations on the various aspects of cattle and natural resource management will be given throughout the day.
Irrigation and Energy Conservation Field Day Sept. 3
August 15, 2008
The Sept. 3 Irrigation and Energy Conservation Field Day at UNL's South Central Field Laboratory near Clay Center will spotlight methods for saving water and money.
Charles Fenster Receives Panhandle Outstanding Service to Ag Award
August 15, 2008
Charles Fenster of Gering has been named the 2008 winner of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln Outstanding Service to Panhandle Agriculture Award. A pioneering ag researcher, Fenster retired nearly 30 years ago from the University of Nebraska but has remained active in Nebraska agriculture.
Soybean Aphids Increasing; Entering Critical Period
August 8, 2008
Soybean growers across the state should be scouting for soybean aphids. Soybean aphid populations continue to increase in Nebraska and quite a few fields in eastern Nebraska have been treated with an insecticide. Growers should scout each field independently to determine the need for treatment.
Farm Bill Changes Revenue Safety Net, Disaster Coverage
August 8, 2008
A new disaster aid program and a new kind of revenue safety net for farmers are two changes in the 2008 farm bill, according to UNL economist Paul Burgener.