CropWatch March 5, 2010: Tips for Grazing Standing Corn

March 5, 2010

If you have strips of corn or entire corn fields still standing and unharvested due to snow last fall, grazing may be a good option for harvesting this crop.

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CropWatch March 5, 2010: Delayed Harvest and Crop Insurance Issues

March 5, 2010

It is rare that Nebraska farmers are looking forward to corn harvest and corn planting at the same time. However, this year we have had some serious issues with corn harvest that have continued into the spring. As we finish up harvest, the initial planting date for corn is fast approaching.

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CropWatch March 10, 2010: Applying Manure Before Seeding Alfalfa

March 10, 2010

If you’ve got excess manure you need to apply, a good option would be a field about to be seeded to alfalfa.

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CropWatch March 12, 2010: Converting Thin Alfalfa into High Producing Pasture

March 12, 2010

This spring consider rejuventating thin alfalfa stands by interseeding and converting them to pasture.

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CropWatch March 5, 2010: Treat Winter Annuals in Dormant Alfalfa

March 5, 2010

Now may be a good time to tackle problem winter annual weeds in your alfalfa before it starts greening up.

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