Guide to Using Emergency Tillage to Control Erosion

February 5, 2010

High winds lasting for several days combined with longer term environmental conditions have created the  “perfect storm” for soil erosion to develop in western Nebraska. The erosion is visible in moving and windswept soil and should be controlled before more topsoil — and crops — are lost.  

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CropWatch, Feb. 5, 2010: Delaying a New Alfalfa Planting Affects Yields 2 Ways

Planting new fields of alfalfa is expensive so many growers put off tearing up old fields and planting new ones, but this may not be the overall, smart decision.

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CropWatch, Feb. 5, 2010: DOT Restrictions on Commercial Truck Driving and Texting

February 5, 2010

Federal regulations expressly prohibiting texting by drivers of commercial vehicles such as large trucks and buses went into effect January 26, according to a release from the U.S. Department of Transportation.

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UNL Researches Growing Algae for Biofuel

February 16, 2010

Algae may be the next frontier for biofuels, and the University of Nebraska-Lincoln is poised to be among the nation's leaders in this research.

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CropWatch, Feb. 5, 2010: UNL's Ag Research Division Boasts 36% Rate of Return over 42

February 5, 2010

While investing money in the stock market can be risky in today's economy, investing in the University of Nebraska-Lincoln's Agricultural Research Division is a pretty sure thing, offering an internal rate of return of 36% in the period of study.

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CropWatch, Feb. 25, 2010: Market Journal on Farming with Less Water

February 26, 2010

This year even more of the state's producers will be farming with reduced water allocations. On this week's Market Journal Gary Hergert, extension nutrient management specialist at the Panhandle REC, discusses variousl options for growing crops under these conditions.

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