Avoiding Glyphosate and Atrazine Runoff and Groundwater Contamination

June 19, 2009
This week's storms came just as some producers were able to get back in the field to make delayed herbicide applications. With the threat of heavy downpours looming, it can be hard to pick the right time to get the job done while avoiding the potential for pesticide runoff.

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EPA Revokes All Carbofuran Tolerances

June 26, 2009

From the Nebraska Department of Agriculture:

Using and Disposing of Furadan

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Glyphosate Brands and Generics Perform Equally Well

June 26, 2009

More than 50 glyphosate-based herbicides are registered for use in Nebraska. To make the best choice for your operation, consider product efficacy, costs, and rate.

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Roundup Ready® Crops Have Major Positive Impact on Tillage Practices

June 26, 2009


Glyphosate Resistance Management Research: Benchmark Report 2


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Controlling Summer Grasses In Alfalfa

June 26, 2009 Wet soils in alfalfa fields right after cutting will certainly do one thing: Help weedy grasses like foxtail grow. To manage these weeds in your hay:
  • Keep your alfalfa thick and thrifty so it will compete aggressively with invading foxtail. Thick initial stands and good soil fertility are needed.


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Techniques for Using Hay Moisture Testers

June 26, 2009 Getting hay baled at the correct moisture can be difficult, especially when it is cloudy or humidity is high. Hay moisture testers are increasingly being used as a guide. To get the most effective and accurate results, you'll want to understand how they work.

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The Good and Bad of Too Much Sweet Clover

June 26, 2009 Many growers may be noticing an abundance of yellow sweet clover in their grasses or pastures this summer. This has its advantages and disadvantages.

Sweet clover is a legume that can provide more nitrogen to adjacent grasses than most other legumes. Following a heavy sweet clover year, the next year's grasses may get a production boost.

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