Crop Damage Reports

June 12, 2009

Severe storms with pockets of hail and heavy rain damaged crops and property Friday, Saturday, and Sunday nights and again on Wednesday (June 10) in areas of Nebraska.


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Factors to Consider with Hail- or Flood-Damaged Corn - 2009

Some Nebraska producers are deciding whether to replant their crop or plant another crop after severe storms damaged fields and reduced stands this week.

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Assessing Post-Storm Soybean Stands

June 12, 2009


(Extension specialists have recommended reprinting the following story published in the May 28, 2004 CropWatch. It was written by Roger Elmore, who was an extension crops specialist at the South Central REC and is now an extension corn specialist at Iowa State University.)

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Assessing Wheat Damage

Photo of damged wheat
Wheat badly damaged by heavy rains and hail this week in the Nebraska Panhandle. (Photos by Bob Harveson)

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