CropWatch March 5, 2010: Treat Winter Annuals in Dormant Alfalfa

March 5, 2010

Now may be a good time to tackle problem winter annual weeds in your alfalfa before it starts greening up.

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CropWatch March 5, 2010: Preseason Hay Equipment Maintenance Recommended

March 5, 2010

While you’re waiting for the snow to melt and temperatures to warm up, take time to perform some routine preseason maintenance on your haying equipment. It will perform better at harvest and you’ll avoid costly down time.

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CropWatch March 5, 2010: New Fescue Varieties are Endophyte Free

March 5, 2010

In the past growers often resisted planting tall fescue as a pasture grass because it contained compounds that could harm livestock. That’s changed with the introduction of some new varieties.

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CropWatch, March 5, 2010: Field Crop Insecticide Changes for 2010

March 5, 2010

The following article discusses changes in insecticide registrations since last spring. For reasons of space, not all label restrictions are included. Please refer to the label to use these products according to label instructions.

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Entomologist Jeff Bradshaw Joins Panhandle REC

Jeff Bradshaw began work in January 2010 as entomologist at the Panhandle Research and Extension Center in Scottsbluff. Bradshaw will be focusing his research and extension programs on integrated pest management of insects in wheat, sugarbeets, dry edible beans, sunflower, and rangeland in the 17-county UNL Panhandle District.

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CropWatch March 12, 2010: Cellulosic Biofuels Web Seminar Series Starts March 26

March 12, 2010

Todd Sneller, administrator of the Nebraska Ethanol Board, will discuss the state of the corn and cellulosic ethanol industry during a national web seminar March 26 from 11 a.m. to noon. The program is sponsored by eXtension.

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