FarmBits podcast episode banner
Hosted by Samantha Teten and Jackson Stansell — graduate students in UNL's Department of Biological Systems Engineering and Nebraska Extension Digital Agriculture team members — FarmBits Podcast is a weekly series highlighting new innovations and trends in digital agriculture through interviews with academic experts, farmers and industry specialists.

FarmBits Podcast: Spray Tech Savvy

August 13, 2021
Sam Marx, UNL research technologist, discusses PWM technology, challenges in the spray application industry, and his work to improve the efficiency of spray nozzle designs using computational fluid dynamics.

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Control of Velvetleaf with Post-emergence Herbicides in Popcorn

August 12, 2021
Results of a study evaluating the efficacy and crop safety of labeled post-emergence herbicides to control velvetleaf, a major agricultural weed in Nebraska that reduces yields in popcorn if not controlled.

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Tasseling corn

Nebraska Crop Progress for Aug. 8

August 12, 2021
For the week ending Aug. 8, 2021, corn condition rated 51% good, 19% excellent; soybean condition rated 57% good, 19% excellent. Pasture and range conditions rated 58% fair, 16% good, 2% excellent.

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Terminating a Verbal Farm Land Lease

August 12, 2021
Some farm leases are not written but are verbal or "handshake" agreements. Because nothing is in writing, the parties may have different recollections of their agreement, making lease disputes more difficult to resolve.

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Wheat field

Nebraska Crop Production Report for August

August 12, 2021
Based on Aug. 1 conditions, Nebraska's 2021 sorghum production of 18.9 million bushels, is up 38% from a year ago. Dry edible bean production is forecast at 2.55 million cwt, down 29% from last year.

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Applying pesticide

New Safety Measures for Herbicide Paraquat

August 12, 2021
The U.S. EPA is proposing new measures to reduce risks associated with Paraquat in order to protect human health and the environment.

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Calculator with financial papers

Ag Budget Calculator User Workshops Scheduled for Aug. 18, 24

August 12, 2021
The Center for Agricultural Profitability is hosting two online workshops next week for individuals to learn how to better use the new Ag Budget Calculator (ABC) program.

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Youth Crop Scouting Competition group
Participants of the 2021 Youth Crop Scouting Competition, hosted by Nebraska Extension.

Youth Crop Scouting Competition Winners Announced

August 10, 2021
Participants were able to compete in-person at this year's Youth Crop Scouting Competition, which annually offers education and hands-on learning experiences on all aspects of crop scouting. 

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