Youth Crop Scouting Competition Winners Announced

August 10, 2021

Youth Crop Scouting Competition Winners Announced

By Brandy VanDeWalle - Extension Educator

Youth Crop Scouting Competition group
Participants of the 2021 Youth Crop Scouting Competition, hosted by Nebraska Extension.

Nebraska Extension has worked hard to push through the struggles of 2020 and 2021. From moving everything online suddenly to slowly bringing in-person events back, the past two years have been a rollercoaster. This year’s Youth Crop Scouting Competition was able to be held in person at the Eastern Nebraska Research and Extension Center. Teams were able to talk with Extension staff and scout real plots at the research center. This competition is a great experience for those wanting to work in many different fields of agriculture. This competition provides a fun, competitive environment where teams are able to receive hands-on learning about all aspects of crop scouting. 

Kornhusker Kids winning team
The Kornhusker Kids — James Rolf, Ethan Kreikemeier, Kaleb Hasenkamp, Levi Schiller and Ian Schiller — winners of the 2021 Youth Crop Scouting Competition.
Arlington FFA team
Second place at the competition went to Braden Monke and Aaron Fuchs of Arlington FFA.
Colfax County 4-H #1 team
Hayden Bailey, Josh Eisenmann, Eliza Bailey and Mic Sayers of the Colfax County 4-H #1 team, which received third place at the competition.

Receiving first place and a cash prize of $500 was Kornhusker Kids team, coached by Chris Schiller. Team members were James Rolf, Ethan Kreikemeier, Kaleb Hasenkamp, Levi Schiller and Ian Schiller. Second place went to Arlington FFA team, coached by Kali Agler. Team members were Braden Monke and Aaron Fuchs; the team received $250. Third place with a $100 cash award was Colfax County 4-H #1 team, coached by Steve Nelson. Team members were Hayden Bailey, Josh Eisenmann, Eliza Bailey and Mic Sayers.

Also participating was West Elk Creek 4-H Club, coached by Jon Schmid. Team members include Wesley Schmid, Cameron Werner, Levi Othmer, Reese Badertscher and Sophie Schmid. Colfax County 4-H #2 team was coached by Steve Nelson. Team members were Daphne Jedlicka, Cody Jedlicka and Callen Jedlicka.

Continuing this year was an online session of “Ask an Agronomist”, where Nebraska Extension agronomists and specialists presented basic information that could be as part of the competition, which allowed more interaction between the judges and participants.

An online regional competition will be held among Nebraska, Iowa, Illinois, Indiana and Kentucky teams. Participants from Kornhusker Kids 4-H and Arlington FFA are able to compete representing their county and the state of Nebraska. 

The 2021 Youth Crop Scouting Competition was sponsored by the Nebraska Independent Crop Consultant Association and Ward Laboratories in collaboration with Nebraska Extension.

For more information on the Youth Crop Scouting Competition, contact Brandy VanDeWalle or visit CropWatch’s Youth site

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