Crop Production Clinic Airing on NET 2 in March

March 6, 2009

Integrated pest management can be an integral tool in controlling crop production costs this year. To learn more about how you can integrate these strategies into your operation, tune into Nebraska Educational Television NET 2 for "Integrated Pest Management for Corn and Soybeans."

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Field Updates

March 6, 2009 Paul Hay, Extension Educator in Gage County: Farm activities include spraying and fertilizing wheat and alfalfa. The lowered price of phosphorus has some farmers deciding to go ahead with dry broadcast applications. After a difficult season in 2008, conservation work and repairs on tile outlet systems are forging ahead.

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Update: Wheat Condition in the Panhandle

March 6, 2009

The March 20 CropWatch will include a fuller update on wheat green-up and condition in western Nebraska.

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USDA: Crops Report

March 6, 2009

Wheat conditions declined from last month and rated 0% very poor, 6% poor, 25% fair, 59% good, and 10% excellent, but remained above last year's condition of 57% good or excellent.

Hay and forage supplies rated 0% very short, 5% short, 91% adequate, and 4% surplus, well above year ago levels.

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Study: Many Farmers Practice Conservation Out of Empathy for Others

March 6, 2009

A strong version of the Golden Rule comes into play when farmers decide to engage in soil conservation tillage practices, a UNL Extension study suggests.

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UNL Part of National Project to Develop Biotechnology Quality Standards

March 13, 2009 The University of Nebraska-Lincoln is the only university selected to participate in a U.S. Department of Agriculture pilot project to develop quality management standards for field releases of regulated genetically-engineered crops.


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