Planting wheat

Planting Winter Wheat in Severe Drought: What are the Options?

September 7, 2022
Nebraska Extension educators outline options for seeding wheat with regard to soil moisture and precipitation, crop residue, soil type and other considerations.

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water droplets on a leaf

Estimated Crop Water Use: Sept. 5

September 2, 2022
Estimated crop water use for Nebraska Panhandle crops for the week of Sept. 5.

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Farmer with laptop

Using Cost of Production Information in a Good Risk Management Culture

September 2, 2022
Farm and ranch management experts discuss utilizing enterprise budgeting to establish costs of production and explore how to use this information in a good risk management culture to effectively manage risk.

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Farmer in drought field

USDA to Mail Additional Pre-Filled Applications to Producers Impacted by 2020, 2021 Disasters

September 2, 2022
More than 18,000 producers will soon receive new or updated pre-filled applications to offset eligible crop losses from natural disaster events in 2020 and 2021.

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Normal precipitation July to August

Weekly Agricultural Weather Update — Aug. 30, 2022

September 1, 2022
A warmer and drier pattern is favored to continue for most of the first half of September — temperatures are anticipated to be in the 80s and mid-90s until Sept. 12, when cooler weather may move into Nebraska.

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Lake McConaughy and Kingsley Dam inlet
Lake McConaughy and Kingsley Dam inlet structures. (Photo by Gary Stone)

The North Platte River — Multi-use Water, Part 6

September 1, 2022
Part 6 of Extension Educator Gary Stone's series on the North Platte River features the remaining dams and powerplants in Nebraska and Wyoming.

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Flex-Ro robot
Flex-Ro, developed by BSE faculty Santosh Pitla, is one example of hands-on learning opportunities within the Agricultural Systems Technology program. (Photo courtesy

New Agricultural Systems Technology Major Prepares Students for Future of Agriculture

September 1, 2022
The new major will be available to students starting in the fall of 2023 through the UNL College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources.

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Solar panels
Erin Ehnle Brown/realagstock (Photo courtesy Center for Agricultural Profitability)

Farm Energy Management Webinar Series: Strategies to Save on Electric Bills

September 1, 2022
This three-part webinar series will cover electric bill components and how to interpret them, as well as strategies to save on energy charges, demand charges and power factor charges.

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