Drought monitor

Weekly Weather Update: July 27, 2023

July 27, 2023
A few areas of Nebraska received much-needed rainfall this week, but there wasn't enough precipitation to improve Nebraska's statewide drought status.

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Sunflower cover crop

Warm-season Species for Soil Health and Forage Purposes

July 27, 2023
Taking advantage of summer heat and abundant sunlight, warm-season cover crops can accumulate impressive amounts of biomass, cover bare ground quickly, suppress weeds, reduce erosion and improve soil health.

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Software field imagery

Growing Results: Nitrogen Management in Corn

July 27, 2023
Learn about current on-farm research efforts by a central Nebraska producer that aim to identify the impact of nitrogen rates on net return.

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N Field logo

This Week on N Field: Disease Concerns After Hail Damage

July 27, 2023
Hail damage can wound plants, but will this damage increase the amount of disease you will see in the field? Nebraska Extension specialists share insights on whether a fungicide could benefit your damaged crop.

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Soil testing
Nebraska Extension and Cargill RegenConnect® are sponsoring the Aug. 22 field day at the Eastern Nebraska Research, Extension and Education Center near Mead, Nebraska.

Register for the Last Summer Soil Health and Cover Crop Field Day Near Mead

July 27, 2023
Nebraska Extension educators and specialists will share the latest research on soil health methods, including cover crops, interseeding and biochar, and answer questions from attendees on their production concerns related to soil management.

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Corn leaf aphids

Watch for Aphids in Corn

July 27, 2023
Aphids cause the greatest amount of injury while they are feeding within the whorl prior to tassel emergence. Treatment may be needed if pollination is no more than half complete and more than half of the corn tassels are covered with aphids.

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Millet field
The 2023 International Millets Conference theme is “Promoting Millets through Interdisciplinary Research: New Varieties and New Markets for a Better Tomorrow.”

International Millets Conference on Aug. 1-3 in Gering

July 26, 2023
This year's conference will feature presentations from High Plains millets producers, representatives from state government and the U.S. millets industries, millets breeders and agronomists, grain handlers and processors, and more.

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Cattle in pasture during storm
As replanting severely hailed corn or soybeans fields are likely not good options at this point in the growing season, producers may want to consider planting forage by first contacting their insurance company to discuss options.

Pasture and Forage Minute: Forage Considerations for Hail, High Temperatures

July 26, 2023
Extension educators review warm- and cool-season grass production during periods of extreme heat, preparing for corn silage harvest and forage options for corn and soybean fields with severe hail damage.

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