Tamra Jackson-Ziems - Extension Plant Pathologist

Tamra Jackson-Ziems

Work Plant Sciences Hall (PLSH) 406
Lincoln NE 68583-0722
Work 402-472-2559 On campus, dial 2-2559
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Tamra Jackson-Ziems, Extension Specialist and Professor, joined the faculty of the Department of Plant Pathology at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln (UNL) in April 2005 after completing her graduate degrees at the University of Arkansas and University of Illinois-Urbana. Her appointment is split between extension, research, and teaching 80/10/10%, respectively, with statewide responsibility for diseases of corn and grain sorghum. Her extension activities encompass educating clientele about disease identification, prevention, and management. And her research projects encompass a broad range of topics, including bacterial leaf streak, Goss’s bacterial wilt and blight, use of fungicides for disease control, and plant parasitic nematodes of corn. During her time at UNL, she has delivered more than 180 invited presentations in 16 states and is the 2016 recipient of both the Nebraska Cooperative Extension Association’s Award for Outstanding Creative Programming (for an individual) and the Nebraska Ag Business Association’s Education and Research Person of 2016 Award.


  • Ph D, University of Illinois-Urbana, 2005
  • MS, University of Arkansas, 2000
  • BS, University of Central Arkansas, 1996

icon-bookmark-starAwards & Honors

  • Outstanding Education and Research Person of 2016, Nebraska Ag Business Association, 2016
  • Outstanding Award For Creative Programming (Individual) for "Bacterial Leaf Streak of Corn", Nebraska Cooperative Extension Association, 2016
  • Dinsdale Family Faculty Award, IANR, 2009
  • Distinguished New Extension Employee Award , UNL Extension, 2009

Faculty Bio

Twitter: @tjcksn
YouTube: Corn Disease Videos at UNL CropWatch
Website: Corn Disease section of CropWatch Plant Disease Management

Southern rust on a corn leaf

Southern Rust of Corn Confirmed in Nebraska

July 20, 2018
Southern rust has been confirmed in corn in three eastern Nebraska counties this week. Corn fields should be scouted soon and frequently in the coming weeks for this and other diseases in case treatment is necessary.

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What’s New in Plant Pathology: Changes in the Plant & Pest Diagnostic Clinic

January 8, 2018
New to the Plant and Pest Diagnostic Clinic is Kyle Broderick, who became coordinator after working as an extension technologist in a University of Nebraska soybean pathology lab for six years. An article from the Proceedings of the 2018 Nebraska Extension Crop Production Clinics.

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Goss's bacterial wilt and blight and northern corn leaf blight on the same corn leaf.
Figure 1. Goss’s bacterial wilt and blight (top) and northern corn leaf blight (lower) lesions may be easily confused. Note the darker water-soaked appearance of the Goss’s wilt lesion and presence of the dark freckles. The northern corn leaf blight lesion is tan in color and has rounded ends. (Photos by Tamra Jackson-Ziems)

Differentiating Corn Leaf Diseases

June 29, 2018
Symptoms of various corn leaf diseases can look very similar in the early stages. Here's how to differentiate one from another of those recently reported in the state.

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Corn growing in flooded soil

Flooding and Ponding in Corn

June 22, 2018
Ponding or flooding of fields affects corn differently at different stages, depending on duration of flooding and other factors. Growers should assess the potential for nitrogen loss and increase scouting for corn disease in these fields.

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Chart showing estimated yields of various populations per planting date

Severe Storms and Hail-Damaged Crops: Steps for Making the Right Decisions

June 14, 2018
After recent severe storms that rolled across parts of Nebraska, growers are encouraged to wait 7-10 days to fully assess crop damage and determine next management steps. Research-based estimated yields from replanting now are included.

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Bacterial leaf streak and Goss's wilt
Figure 1. (left) Corn leaves with bacterial leaf streak may appear to have a yellow halo around lesions. (right) Recent wet conditions and wounding from hail or storms favor development of Goss's wilt, shown here. (Photos by Tamra Jackson-Ziems)

Conditions Right for Development of Corn Diseases

June 7, 2018
Severe weather and wet conditions across much of Nebraska this week may favor increased development of diseases in corn, particularly bacterial leaf streak and Goss’s bacterial wilt and blight. For assistance in correctly identifying diseases, submit samples to the Plant & Pest Diagnostic Clinic.

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Fungicides are for Fungi

January 8, 2018
Symptoms of bacterial diseases can be easily confused with those of fungal diseases in field crops. This article, from the Proceedings of the 2018 Nebraska Extension Crop Production Clinics, reviews some of the common mistakes made in the major field crops and reviews research on the impact of fungicide use after hail events in corn and soybean.

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Corn Disease Update

January 8, 2018
A review of diseases to expect in Nebraska corn for 2018. An article in the 2018 Crop Production Clinic Proceedings.

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