Robert Wright - Extension Entomologist

Robert Wright

  • Emeritus Professor University of Nebraska–Lincoln
Work Entomology Hall (ENTO) 213
Lincoln NE 68583-0816
Work 402-472-2128 On campus, dial 2-2128


  • BA, University of California, 1975
  • MS, University of Arizona, 1977
  • Ph D, North Carolina State University, 1981


  • ENTO 888, MS Degree Project, Fall 2018

Faculty Bio
Twitter: @BobWrightUNL


Scouting and Managing Stalk Borer in Corn

May 24, 2017
Common stalk borer eggs have hatched throughout Nebraska and scouting should begin when 1300-1400 degree days (DD) have accumulated. Current accumulations range from 500 to 1200 DD.

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Palmer amaranth
Figure 1. This female Palmer amaranth plant can produce up to 0.5 million seeds.

Watch for Palmer Amaranth in Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) Fields

May 12, 2017
Palmer amaranth has not been confirmed in conservation plantings in Nebraska; however, the identification and occurrence of Palmer amaranth in CRP fields in Iowa has raised concerns among weed scientists and growers about its spread into conservation plantings in Nebraska and offer some suggestions for growers.

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Scout Emerging Corn for Early Season Insects

May 11, 2017
As corn begins to emerge, be alert to the potential for damage from early season insects such as cutworms, wireworms, or white grubs. Wireworms and white grubs are most often associated with fields that have been in pasture or CRP where the grasses were allowed to grow for more than one year. It is rare to see these problems in continuous corn, but exceptions happen. Since wireworms and white grubs feed underground and cutworms feed on or below the soil surface, scout for plant damage and then dig in soil around the plant to identify the insect causing the damage.

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alfalfa weevils

Scouting Advised for Alfalfa and Clover Leaf Weevils

April 20, 2017
Alfalfa weevils have been reported damaging alfalfa in north central Kansas and western Nebraska. As temperatures warm up, expect to see alfalfa weevil larvae in southern Nebraska and slightly later, in northern Nebraska. Even with the pressure of planting row crops, it is essential that producers growing high quality alfalfa hay make time to monitor fields for weevils now and over the next few weeks. See the article for a table of treatment thresholds for various alfalfa prices.

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Nebraska map of Japanese beetle distribution

Japanese Beetles Migrating West

April 13, 2017

A newly released map of confirmed Japanese beetle populations in Nebraska shows their westward movement from where they were first identified near Lincoln and Omaha several years ago. 

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Center pivot irrigated soybeans
Management in a successful soybean-after-soybean cropping system may require growers to make some slight adjustments in their practices, including irrigation, seed selection, and pest management.

Planting Soybean after Soybean (Part 2): In-Season Management Considerations

April 13, 2017

In Part 1 of this article, we look at considerations for planting soybean after soybean. In this article, Part 2, we share considerations for in-season management.

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soybean field

Planting Soybean after Soybean (Part 1): Planting Considerations

April 13, 2017
Farmers are increasing their soybean plantings for 2017, which likely means some are shifting to soybeans-after-soybeans. This article looks at what you should be considering at planting time as you consider changing your cropping sequence.

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western bean cutworm in corn
Figure 1. (left) Western bean cutworm causing feeding damage in corn. (Photo by Jim Kalisch and Silvana Paula-Moraes) (right) A green lacewing beneficial insect eating western bean cutworm eggs. (Photo by Julie Peterson)

Which Bt Traits Do You Need to Purchase?

March 24, 2017
When it comes to buying corn seed, one way to save money can be to ensure that you don't invest in GMO insect protection traits that you do not need for your particular farm or field. Which corn rootworm, western bean cutworm, or European corn borer traits do you need? This article can help you determine which of the nine types of Bt proteins might best serve your needs.

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