Begin Scouting for Western Bean Cutworm Eggs in Corn
July 8, 2016
The first western bean cutworm moths were captured in University of Nebraska-Lincoln black light traps June 23 at Clay Center, June 27 at North Platte, and June 30 at Scottsbluff. Flights are currently increasing, particularly in North Platte. Scouting should be underway across much of the state.
Scout for Emerging Western Corn Rootworm Beetles
July 5, 2016
Western corn rootworm beetles began emerging in southeast and south central Nebraska during the last week in June. Beetles typically emerge somewhat later in northeastern and western Nebraska. Scouting should be underway to determine field presence and possible need for treatment.
Japanese Beetles Emerging; Identification Key to Management
July 1, 2016
Japanese beetle adults are beginning to emerge in eastern Nebraska and have been reported feeding in corn and soybean. Here's how to differentiate them from the look-alike sand chafers and treatment thresholds to determine when treatment is recommended.
Scout Field Borders for Grasshoppers
June 30, 2016
Populations of immature grasshoppers are being reported in areas bordering crop fields in several parts of eastern Nebraska. If these grasshopper species are one of the four major species that are likely to infest cropland, control may be warranted. Check here are scouting guide and treatment thresholds and recommendations.
Using Degree-Days to Predict Western Bean Cutworm Flights
June 24, 2016
Accumulated degree-days offer a proven means for estimating when to scout for insects, including the western bean cutworm. Here's how to estimate insect growth and recommended dates to start scouting for WBC at 14 Nebraska sites.
First Generation European Corn Borer Scouting & Treatment
June 14, 2016
Growers are noting shot-hole feeding from European corn borer in non-Bt corn. Nebraska Extension offers several resources to monitor moth activity and determine when treatment is necessary.
Predicting Stalk Borer Development in Corn
June 13, 2016
Based on accumulated degree days, scouting should be underway across the state for common stalk borer in corn.
Stalk Borer Scouting & Management in Corn
June 8, 2016
Common stalk borer eggs have hatched throughout Nebraska and scouting should begin when 1300-1400 degree days have accumulated (Figure 1). This is when larvae start moving into corn and other crops. Stalk borer growth is based on accumulated degree days since January 1, using a base of 41°F.