Robert Wright - Extension Entomologist

Robert Wright

  • Emeritus Professor University of Nebraska–Lincoln
Work Entomology Hall (ENTO) 213
Lincoln NE 68583-0816
Work 402-472-2128 On campus, dial 2-2128


  • BA, University of California, 1975
  • MS, University of Arizona, 1977
  • Ph D, North Carolina State University, 1981


  • ENTO 888, MS Degree Project, Fall 2018

Faculty Bio
Twitter: @BobWrightUNL

Painted lady butterfly and caterpillar

Large Populations of Painted Lady Butterflies

January 8, 2018
In 2017 large populations of painted lady butterflies were seen across the state, raising concerns about whether the larvae form (thistle caterpillars) of this insect would cause damage to soybean fields. An article from the Proceedings of the 2018 Nebraska Extension Crop Production Clinics.

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Insect light trap

Insect Light Trap Data Available for 3 Sites

June 6, 2018
UNL Extension Entomology is monitoring crop insect pests (primarily moths) using black light traps at the Haskell Ag Laboratory near Concord, the South Central Ag Laboratory near Clay Center, and the West Central Research and Extension Center near North Platte.

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Scout Emerging Corn for Insects; Don't Take Protection for Granted

May 16, 2018
As corn begins to emerge, be alert to the potential for damage from early season insects such as cutworms, wireworms, white grubs or wheat stem maggot. Seed treatments provide some protection, but can be overwhelmed in some circumstances, allowing losses.

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Alfalfa weevil larvae and adults
Figure 1. Alfalfa weevil larvae and adults collected in a single 12-sweep sample in Goshen County, Wyoming by Dan Keener on May 11, 2018. Note that both large larvae and adults are present.

Scout Diligently for Alfalfa Weevils in May And June

May 16, 2018
High populations of alfalfa weevils have been found in alfalfa throughout the Nebraska Panhandle; lower populations were reported this week in central and eastern Nebraska. The economics would warrant continued scouting through June to provide for timely treatment, if necessary, and yield protection.

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Corn Rootworm Management Update

January 8, 2018
From the 2018 Crop Production Clinic Proceedings: Corn rootworm continues to be a problem for Nebraska growers who rotate crops infrequently. Additionally, resistance to insecticides and some Bt corn reduces efficacy of these important tools in some fields.

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Figure 1. Seasonal ecology of wheat stem maggot (Allen 1933) overlaid on 2017 field issues. Arrows indicate likely source of infestation started with adult movement in the spring.
Figure 1. Seasonal ecology of wheat stem maggot (Allen 1933) overlaid on 2017 field issues. Arrows indicate likely source of infestation started with adult movement in the spring.

Wheat Stem Maggot Adult Monitoring: A Pest of Cover Crop-to-Corn Transitions

April 25, 2018
This article looks at wheat stem maggots in cover crops-to-corn transitions, including their biology, risk for damage to early season corn, and what to look for this spring.

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Figure 1. Rye cover crop planted in small sections of field for erosion control. Center photo shows a section of ground where cover crop did not establish with normally developing plants. Damaged corn plants were primarily restricted to areas where cover crop was present.
Figure 1. Rye cover crop planted in small sections of field for erosion control. Center photo shows a section of ground where cover crop did not establish with normally developing plants. Damaged corn plants were primarily restricted to areas where cover crop was present.

Wheat Stem Maggot in Corn: Plan on Scouting Your Cover Crop Fields This Spring

March 8, 2018
Wheat stem maggots were an issue for some eastern and southern Nebraska farmers planting corn directly into a growing cover crop, leading to questions about how to best manage this scenario in 2018. Learn why entomologists don't recommend adding an insecticide to the herbicide when terminating the cover crop.

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First portion of the Handy Bt Trait Table

Handy Bt Trait Table Updated for 2018 Corn

January 31, 2018
The Handy Bt Trait Table, which lists the types of Bt hybrids present for all commercialized corn, has been updated for 2018. Now in its 15th year, the table has become the standard authoritative reference to Bt toxins in corn.

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