Katja Koehler-Cole - Extension Educator

Katja Koehler-Cole

1071 County Road G Ithaca NE 68033-2234
Work 402-624-8042 On campus, dial 7-8042
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Dr. Koehler-Cole was promoted to assistant research professor in the Department of Agronomy and Horticulture Dec. 1, 2018. You can find the articles she wrote as a Post-Doctoral Research Associate here.

Cover crop mix drill interseeded
Cover crop mix drill interseeded into V4 corn growing well by V8-9 leaf corn. (Photo by Jenny Rees)

Comparing Cover Crop Planting Methods

September 1, 2022
While planting cover crops after harvest with a drill or planter may be the most convenient, there are several other planting methods that can increase cover crop success as measured by biomass production.

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Cereal rye cover crop
Producers can now estimate the biomass, water use and nitrogen uptake of cereal rye — one of the most common cover crop species in the U.S. — using the new Cover Crop Biomass Calculator. (CropWatch file photo)

Cover Crop Biomass Calculator Available for Nebraska

July 7, 2022
This new tool estimates cover crop growth with different planting and termination times across the state of Nebraska, to help producers maximize cover crop growth between fall harvest and spring planting.

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Soil seedbank trays

Expanding the Integrated Weed Management Toolbox: Winter Cover Crop Impacts on Weed Dynamics in Eastern and Central Nebraska

April 4, 2022
Results of a 2021 UNL study to determine cover crop impacts on weed suppression through analysis of the soil seedbank.

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Tillering rye plant illustration

Illustrating Important Growth Stages for Winter Cereal Cover Crops

December 2, 2021
Knowledge about plant growth stages is important for management decisions and to predict how well a plant may cope with stress, such as low temperature.

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Sunflower and turnip field

Plants for Fallow Summer Periods

September 1, 2021
Many warm-season cover crop species are available and can be used for different purposes in fallow fields, such as improving soil health, breaking up soil compaction, providing forage and supporting beneficial insects.

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Cover crop plantings

Cover Crop Termination Tradeoffs

April 6, 2023
Termination timing of cereal covers can be tricky — while there may not be one "right answer," there are many factors you can consider to make the best decision for your operation. 

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Crop planted in green cover crop
Figure 1. Corn planted into green rye terminated at planting.

Planting Green Questionnaire – Simple Analysis

February 18, 2021
New survey and sharing results from the 2020 survey of Midwestern agriculturalists when planting soybean and corn into green cover crops.

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cover crops in a field

Seeding Rates for Broadcasting Cover Crops Into Late-season Corn and Soybean

August 31, 2022
The middle to end of September is a good time to establish cover crops by broadcasting seeds into corn or soybean before harvest, which allows the crop to capture more sunshine, growing degree days and rainfall.

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