Katja Koehler-Cole - Extension Educator

Katja Koehler-Cole

1071 County Road G Ithaca NE 68033-2234
Work 402-624-8042 On campus, dial 7-8042
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Dr. Koehler-Cole was promoted to assistant research professor in the Department of Agronomy and Horticulture Dec. 1, 2018. You can find the articles she wrote as a Post-Doctoral Research Associate here.

Rye in continuous corn
Rye in continuous corn April 19, 2018 at the Eastern Nebraska Research and Education Center near Mead.

How Much Nitrogen Does My Cover Crop Take Up and When Do I Get It Back?

September 9, 2022
An evaluation on the range of biomass production of cover crops, the amount of nitrogen in their biomass, and their C:N ratio to help inform nutrient changes following cover crops. 

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single crop and mixed cover crops in field

What Are the Benefits of a Cover Crop Mix Versus a Single Species Cover Crop?

July 6, 2020
The decision whether to mix species or plant a single species as a cover crop depends on your goals, time of the year, and costs.

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Corn Green Cereal Rye
Corn planted into green cereal rye in 2020.

Considerations when Planting Green

April 24, 2020
Growers that switched to planting green, say it was much easier to plant compared with planting into the decomposing-dying cover. In spite of these observations, planting green is not for everyone and one needs to assess the risk of doing so.

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Cover crop research plots in 2017

Spring-planted Cover Crops for Weed Control in Organic Soybean

March 25, 2020
Weed control in organic soybean usually includes frequent pre-plant tillage operations but spring rains often make it difficult to get into the fields for timely tillage. As a result, weed pressure can be high. Cover crops can help suppress weeds, but after corn harvest it is often too late to establish cover crops. Spring-planting cover crops may be an alternative to fall-planting.

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red clover sown in wheat field

Undersowing Red Clover Into Winter Wheat as an N Source for Corn

March 11, 2020
Red clover can be an excellent green manure that fixes nitrogen, suppresses weeds, and increases corn yields. As a slow-growing cool-season legume, it is suitable to undersowing into winter small grains in early spring.

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Cover image of NebGuide G2314

New Introductory Cover Crop Guides Cater to Nebraska

November 8, 2019
Two new guides from the Midwest Cover Crops Council and Nebraska Extension offer key "how to" information for growers interested in integrating cover crops into their traditional corn-soybean rotation.

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This a cereal rye cover crop at the threshold (1,000 lb/ac) biomass level. It is about 6-8 inches tall (April 13, 2017 at the south-central Nebraska site).
Figure 1. This cereal rye cover crop is at the threshold (1,000 lb/ac) biomass level. It is about 6-8 inches tall (April 13, 2017 at the south-central Nebraska site).

Optimum Planting Times to Establish Cover Crops Following Corn

September 16, 2019
Results from a UNL study assessing biomass production of two cover crops (cereal rye alone or a cereal rye mix) planted either pre-corn harvest or post-corn harvest at three sites in eastern Nebraska.

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Andrea Basche in a field of cover crop planted into corn stubble

Cover Crop Research Team Receives Nebraska Environmental Trust Grant

June 3, 2019
Three agronomy faculty have been awarded a grant to develop a decision-support tool for the successful incorporation of cover crops into Nebraska cropping systems.

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