Kathy Burr - Extension Educator

Kathy Burr

404 E 7th St Curtis NE 69025-2838
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Young boys look into microscopes on lab table
Attendees of the 2023 Agronomy Youth Field Day participate in an activity on the NCTA campus. The field day is free for youth ages 9-18 and parents/adults are welcome to attend. (Nebraska Extension photo)

Ag Tech Focus of Agronomy Youth Field Day July 9 in Curtis

June 11, 2024
Free to attend, this field day will teach Nebraska youth more about how agriculture is changing with precision technology.

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Figure 1. Extension Educator Chuck Burr demonstrating to youth how a crop moisture sensor works in a field of corn.
Figure 1. Extension Educator Chuck Burr demonstrating to youth how a crop moisture sensor works in a field of corn.

Agronomy Youth Field Day August 7 in Curtis

June 25, 2019
Youth ages 9-18 years can participate in hands-on experiences to learn the science of agronomy and all about Nebraska crops at the 4th Annual Agronomy Youth Field Day August 7 in Curtis.

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Youth at Youth Agronomy Field Day
Figure 1. Brad Ramsdale, professor of agronomy at the Nebraska College for Technical Agriculture, discusses plant and weed identification with a group of youth at a previous Youth Agronomy FIeld Day. (Photos by Kathy Burr)

Agronomy Youth Field Day Aug. 8 at Curtis

June 28, 2018
Curiosity is key to learning and the Aug. 8 Agronomy Youth Field Day offers a myriad of opportunities for youth to explore, learn, talk with kid-friendly experts, and consider careers in agronomic fields of STEM (science, technology, engineering and math).

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