Cody Creech - Dryland Cropping Systems Specialist

Cody Creech

4502 Ave I Scottsbluff NE 69361-4939
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Twitter: @NE_DrylandCrops
Field pea variety trial in Perkins
Figure 1. (left) Field pea variety trial in Perkins, one of five field day sites this year.

Field Pea Field Days Scheduled for June at 5 Locations across Nebraska

May 24, 2017
Field day participants will be able to view field pea varieties and learn about rotational benefits and agronomic practices to profitably grow field peas and integrate them with existing cropping systems.

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Field pea

Yellow Field Peas Fare Well After Recent Lows

May 4, 2017
Most yellow field pea being grown in western Nebraska were at early vegetative stages (4th to 7th node or 1-5 leaf stages) during last week’s cold snap, but extensive damage is not expected due to the pea’s level of frost tolerance.Field pea tolerance to frost during early stages of vegetative growth is partially due to the “hypogeal” germination nature of the crop. For plant species with hypogeal germination (e.g., field pea, lentil, chickpea), shoot germination occurs belowground.

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Field of wheat near McCook April 27, 2017.
A good, thick stand of wheat, such as this one near McCook provides a warmer microclimate near the soil surface that reduces the potential for freeze injury. (Photos by Robert Klein)

Assessing Freeze Injury to Wheat

April 27, 2017
As temperatures dropped below 28° F at a number of sites this week, the authors address how to assess whether freeze damage has occurred.

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Field pea

Field Pea Seeding Rates, Seeding Depth, and Inoculant

March 13, 2017
Grain-type field peas are a cool season grain crop grown as an alternative for no-till summer fallow in a semiarid cereal-based cropping systems such as wheat-corn-fallow and/or wheat-fallow. They are typically planted in mid-March and harvested late-July. This article reports on research conducted on seeding practices and offers recommendations for producers on the economically optimal seeding rate, seeding depth, and inoculant to grow field peas in western Nebraska.

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field pea comparison
Figure 1. Comparison of water use of two systems -- summer fallow and field peas -- between March 27 and July 20. (Photos by Stranhinja Stepanovic)

Field Pea Production: Rotational Costs and Benefits

March 10, 2017
Research findings show benefits in soil nutrient cycling, water infiltration, and microbial activity from replacing fallow with grain-type field peas in a wheat-fallow rotation in western Nebraska.

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Downy brome, also know as cheatgrass, in a field
Figure 1. Downy brome (cheatgrass) is greening up in a pasture in Scottsbluff County due to recent warmer temperatures; photo taken February 20, 2017. (Photo by Cody Creech)

Take Advantage of Warm Weather this Winter to Control Downy Brome

February 20, 2017
Just a month after double-digit below zero temperatures, Nebraska hit an extended period of above normal temperatures, coaxing weed seeds to germinate early in many fields and pastures and creating the need to tackle the influx early.

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Severe wheat streak mosaic virus in sunflower stubble

Figure 1. Severe symptoms of wheat streak mosaic in volunteer wheat in sunflower stubble in Deuel County in November 2016. Such a field significantly increases the risk of infection of wheat in nearby fields. (Photo by Gary Hein)

Growers Urged to Keep a Watchful Eye for Wheat Viruses This Spring

January 25, 2017
While the mild fall promoted wheat establishment, it also favored survival of wheat curl mites, the leading vector of several viruses common to Nebraska wheat. While much of the state's wheat crop entered winter in very good condition, growers are urged to scout for viruses this spring and assess yield potential of individual fields when making management decisions.

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UNL greenhouse trial of glyphosate resistance in kochia
kochia in the greenhouse

Managing Glyphosate- and ALS-Resistant Kochia in the Panhandle

December 15, 2016
The development and management of pesticide-resistant kochia in dryland and irrigated systems in the Panhandle including a table of herbicide options for Nebraska.

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