Charles Shapiro - Extension Soil Scientist—Crop Nutrition

Charles Shapiro

HAL 57905 866 Rd Concord NE 68728-2828
Work 402-584-3803 On campus, dial 7-3803
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Faculty Bio

Charles Shapiro retired from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln in January 2018, but continues to contribute to CropWatch as an emeriti professor.

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Map indicating how various Nebraska and Kansas sites are expected to vary from average yields.

2017 Corn Yield Forecasts as of September 20

September 21, 2017
Crop modelers wrap up their forecasts of rainfed and irrigated corn yields across the Corn Belt for 2017, noting above-average yields for about 80% of the irrigated sites and more than 60% of the rainfed sites. Irrigated yields ranged from 11%-17% over long-term averages at those sites and rainfed yields at those sites were 13%-40% above average. View data for all the sites.

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Figure 1. Early-planted rye on the left and late-planted rye on the right in a research study at the Eastern Nebraska Research and Extension Center near Mead.
Figure 1. Early-planted rye on the left and late-planted rye on the right at in a research study at the Eastern Nebraska Research and Extension Center near Mead.

Cover Crop Productivity In Corn And Soybean Systems

September 7, 2017
University researchers share results from their study of cover crops planted pre- and post-harvest and in seed corn at three sites: Clay Center, Concord, and Mead.

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Forecast of end-of-season irrigated corn yields in Nebraska and Kansas

2017 Corn Yield Forecasts as of August 30

September 1, 2017
Forecasts for end-of-season corn yields improved across much of the Corn Belt since the early August forecast. View crop stage and yield forecasts as well as weather data. In Nebraska predictions are for near to above average corn yields for most sites, except northeast and northwest sites.

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Fertilizer Management for Winter Wheat

August 29, 2017
With winter wheat planting drawing near, it's time to collect soil samples and determine fertilizer needs. Use the nitrogen and phosphorus information to guide your strategy.

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Taking the corn stalk nitrate test in the field

Evaluating N Management with the Corn Stalk Nitrate Test

August 23, 2017
When is this test best used? Often it may be well used to compare nitrogen uptake between two practices in corn.

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Maps showing likelihood of yield deviations for rainfed corn at various sites.

2017 Corn Yield Forecasts as of Aug. 9

August 11, 2017
Corn yield forecasts for Nebraska sites indicate near-average to above average yields for most irrigated sites. There was much more yield variability for rainfed locations where three of the sites were forecast with a 50%-100% chance of below-normal yields and three were forecast for normal yields, while one was near average.

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Probability of yield deviation for normal for irrigated corn, model ran July 18, 2017

2017 Corn Yield Forecasts as of July 18

July 19, 2017
Corn growth stages are estimated for 41 sites in 10 states and yields are estimated for select irrigated and rainfed sites, based on the Hybrid-Maize model and input from specialists and educators across a 10-state area as of July 18, 2017. The authors note that these early season yield forecasts vary widely, particularly for rainfed fields, and may change considerably by end of season.

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Locations of 2017 Yield Forecasting Center sites

2017 Corn Yield Forecasts: Approach and Interpretation of Results

July 6, 2017
This article discusses data and data collection for the Yield Forecasting Center forecasts of crop phenology and yield for 2017, including a map of the site locations and specific data on crop management and soil types for each site.

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