Brad Lubben - Extension Ag Policy Specialist

Brad Lubben

Director of the North Central Extension Risk Management Education Center

Work Filley Hall (FYH) 207A
Lincoln NE 68583-0922
Work 402-472-2235 On campus, dial 2-2235
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Brad Lubben is an Extension Associate Professor, Policy Specialist, and Director of the North Central Extension Risk Management Education Center in the Department of Agricultural Economics at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. He has nearly 30 years of experience in teaching, research, and extension, focusing on agricultural policy and agricultural economics and working in Illinois, Kansas, and Nebraska. Brad's expertise includes federal farm policy and agricultural policy development and risk management education. Brad grew up on a grain and livestock farm near Burr, southeast of Lincoln and holds B.S. and M.S. degrees from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and a Ph.D. from Kansas State University.

Faculty Bio

2021: Agricultural Risk Coverage or Price Loss Coverage for Corn Base Acres?

March 4, 2021
With the Farm Programs deadline quickly approaching, Extension experts offer advice on choosing between Agricultural Risk Coverage (ARC) or Price Loss Coverage (PLC).

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farm and ranch COVID-19 webinar series graphic

CARES Act: Coronavirus Food Assistance Program for Crop Producers

May 29, 2020
While agricultural producers and agribusinesses are eligible for two programs administered through the Small Business Administration, the primary support for agriculture is coming from USDA through the Coronavirus Food Assistance Program (CFAP). Read more about the CFAP program and register for the June 4 webinar.

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Chart showing corn prices, PLC, and ARC price protection over years

Farm Program Decisions, Analysis, and Impacts

December 6, 2019
The 2018 Farm Bill ushered in new farm program decisions for the 2019 and 2020 production years. An analysis of program details and the current market outlook can help producers make informed decisions regarding farm programs and the impact those decisions will have on risk management decisions on the farm.

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Cornhusker Economics: An Illustration of Farm Program Decisions and Impacts

October 30, 2019
While the ARC and PLC programs were carried over from the 2014 Farm Bill with relatively modest changes, the substantial drop in market prices and outlook since 2014 pointed toward a widespread shift in enrollment away from ARC and toward PLC due to the increased relevance of the price safety net. However, with this year’s extreme weather events, concerns over crop production, and hopes for improved trade prospects, there has been some recovery in commodity prices that could affect farm program supports and producer preferences. The author looks at various program options and the impacts of selecting them.

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Extension, FSA to Host Farm Bill Education Meetings Across Nebraska

October 30, 2019
Nebraska Extension and the USDA Farm Service Agency in Nebraska will host a series of Farm Bill Education meetings from late November to mid-December to help producers as they begin to make farm-bill related program decisions.

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Expanding the Farm Income Safety Net

June 12, 2019
A look at the wide and expanding safety net for crop producers provides perspective and management insight in the wake of current production and marketing challenges.

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Risk Management Center Trains Growers to Manage Complex Risks

May 15, 2019
After several years of agricultural prosperity and US net farm income that peaked at almost $124 billion in 2013, the most recent forecast from the UDSA Economic Research Service projects net farm income at less than $70 billion for 2019. The Extension Risk Management Education program helps farmers learn how to navigate the many risks they face.

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Chart of corn prices, PLC, and ARC price protection from 2004 and projected through 2022

Farm Programs, Payments, and Prospects

January 9, 2019
Barring significant market recovery or further trade assistance, producers will be managing for relatively low market prices and relatively little farm program support in 2019. This article from the 2019 Crop Production Clinic Proceedings outlines what to expect.

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