

Anton is a hard white wheat developed cooperatively by the USDA-ARS and the University of Nebraska. It was released primarily for its low levels of the grain enzyme polyphenol oxidase (PPO). Low levels of grain PPO are preferred for noodle applications to prevent discoloration of the noodle, particularly wet noodles. Anton is a semidwarf with a short coleoptile length. It is ideally suited to irrigated production in western Nebraska. It has excellent lodging resistance. It is slightly taller than Wesley and about four inches shorter than Antelope.

  • Anton is moderately resistant to resistant to stem and leaf rusts, but susceptible to stripe rust.
  • It is resistant to soilborne mosaic.
  • It is susceptible to Hessian fly and Russian wheat aphid.
  • Non-complementary varieties include: Platte.

No seed growers in Nebraska are listed as selling this variety.