Center pivot in corn field
Starting to irrigate too soon can lead to wasting water, poor soil environment, increasing costs, and leaching nitrogen which can result in lower yields.

Soil-Water-Plant Interaction Basics

June 12, 2024
As irrigation season approaches, producers may find it beneficial to review the basics on how soil, water and plants all work together to grow crops.

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Cattle stand in pasture below thunderstorm
Despite their resiliency, perennial forages can experience significant yield loss from hailstorms. Damage assessment and timing are key to the recovery process for pastures and hay fields.

Pasture and Forage Minute: Hail Damage to Pasture and Hay, Alfalfa Irrigation After a Wet Spring

June 11, 2024
Extension recommendations on reducing the risk of toxic plant consumption for grazing animals, hail damage recovery for pasture and hay fields, and summer alfalfa irrigation following a wet spring.

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Four people walk together in field
Historical farm labor data for Nebraska is available at USDA.

Northern Plains Farm Labor Report for April 2024

June 11, 2024
The number of farm workers in Nebraska has remained unchanged since 2023.

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Young boys look into microscopes on lab table
Attendees of the 2023 Agronomy Youth Field Day participate in an activity on the NCTA campus. The field day is free for youth ages 9-18 and parents/adults are welcome to attend. (Nebraska Extension photo)

Ag Tech Focus of Agronomy Youth Field Day July 9 in Curtis

June 11, 2024
Free to attend, this field day will teach Nebraska youth more about how agriculture is changing with precision technology.

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Water droplets

To receive 2024 weekly crop water use reports via text message, subscribe on the PHREC AgLab site.

Estimated Crop Water Use for June 10-14, 2024

June 10, 2024
Nebraska Extension Educator Gary Stone shares an update on Panhandle crop planting and growth with this week's crop water report.

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Sorghum field
Historical crop progress data for Nebraska is available at USDA. (CropWatch file photo)

Crop Progress: End of Nebraska Planting Season in Sight

June 10, 2024
With just about 20% of sorghum and dry bean acreage remaining, planting season is coming to a close and Nebraska producers will soon begin winter wheat harvest.

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Wheat variety trial plots
For producers who are unable to attend the Wheat Variety Tour dates this year, demonstration plots will be labeled approximately a week before the scheduled tour and remain in place until harvest.

UNL Wheat Variety Tour Coming to Grant June 12

June 7, 2024
The next stop for the 2024 UNL Wheat Variety Tour will be the Henry J. Stumpf International Wheat Research Center in Grant, featuring research updates on wheat stem sawfly, winter peas, water stress-tolerant wheat hybrids and more.

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N Field logo

This Week on N Field: Precision Sprayer

June 7, 2024
Extension Weed Management Specialist Amit Jhala shares details about a new John Deere precision sprayer, which has the ability to detect weeds and spray herbicide in real-time.

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