Aphid Populations Still Increasing; Scouting Essential

August 15, 2008

Aphid Photos & Information

See Start Scouting for Soybean Aphids, July 3 issue of CropWatch

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Start Watching for 2nd Generation Bean Leaf Beetles

August 15, 2008

We have begun to receive questions about second generation bean leaf beetles, which are appearing in fields. Let's discuss beetle biology and management.


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Soil Testing for Wheat Is More Important Than Ever

August 15, 2008

The past two years have seen major changes in wheat production costs, especially for fertilizer. Fertilizer is truly an international commodity, so what happens in the Middle East, India, China and former Soviet block countries like the Ukraine influences your local prices.


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Harvest Timing Critical to Quality Silage

August 15, 2008

High-quality corn silage often is an economical substitute for some of the grain in finishing and dairy rations. Corn silage also can be an important winter feed for cow-calf producers. All too often, though, silage isn't harvested to get its best feed value. Harvest timing can make all the difference.

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