USDA: Crop Conditions
August 15, 2008
Corn conditions rated 1% very poor, 4% poor, 19% fair, 56% good, and 20% excellent, near last year's 78% good or excellent rating. Irrigated fieldsrated 77% good or excellent, well below last year whiledryland fields rated 74% good or excellent, well above year ago levels. Cornsilked was 98%, near last year's 99% and even with theaverage. Corn in the dough stage was 38%, behind last year's 68% and five days behind the average 58%. Corn in thedent stage was 3%, behind last year's 20% and 12% average.
Soybean conditions rated 1% very poor, 5% poor, 20% fair,59% good, and 15% excellent, near last year's 73% good orexcellent condition. Ninety-three percent of soybeans were blooming,below last year and the average of 96%. Soybeans setting podswas 58%, behind last year's 75% and six days behind the78% average.
Alfalfa conditions rated 2% very poor, 5% poor, 30% fair,53% good, and 10% excellent, well above last year's 58%good or excellent condition. Third cutting was 35% complete five days behind last year and the average of 52%.Oats harvested was 91%, behind last year's 97% and96% average.
Sorghum conditions rated 1% very poor, 3% poor, 19% fair,60% good, and 17% excellent, below last year's 82% goodor excellent condition. Sorghum headed was 42%,behind last year's 73% and eight days behind the 71% average.
Dry bean conditions rated 0% very poor, 2% poor, 43% fair,50% good, and 5% excellent, below last year's 70% good orexcellent condition. Ninety-seven percent of dry beans were blooming,well ahead of last year and the average of 89%. Dry beanssetting pods were 62%, well ahead of last year's 52% andnear the average of 61%.
Pasture andrange conditions rated 1% very poor, 11% poor, 25% fair,53% good, and 10% excellent, above last year's 58% good or excellent condition.
Nebraska Field Office
USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service
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