Reduce Grain Depth to Save Time/Energy When Drying Grain

September 8, 2006

The time required to dry grain in a bin is a function of the initial moisture content of the grain, the desired final moisture content of the grain, the temperature and relative humidity of the air passing through the grain and the rate of airflow through the grain (cubic feet per minute per bushel: cfm/bu).

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Resistance Management Refuges

Why is Bt Corn Refuge Compliance so Important?

May 29, 2015

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Pesticide Resistance Factors

Biological and Ecological Factors Affecting Development of Pesticide Resistance

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Glyphosate-Resistant Palmer Amaranth Confirmed in Southwest Nebraska

May 1, 2015
palmer amaranthFigure 1. A female Palmer amaranth plant in a corn field in southcentral Nebraska. This plant has capacity to produce more than half a million seeds.

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Depictions of Palmer amaranth in corn
Figure 1. (L) Palmer amaranth in corn and (R) a Palmer amaranth seedling. A member of the pigweed family, Palmer amaranth is a difficult to control broadleaf made even more difficult by its growing resistance to herbicides, including atrazine and HPPD inhibitors.

Managing Herbicide-Resistant Palmer Amaranth Field Day

July 1, 2015
Learn how to get an edge on managing Palmer amaranth resistant to atrazine and HPPD-inhibitor herbicides Tuesday, Aug. 4 at a Nebraska Extension field day near Shickley.

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Emergency Crop Damage Disaster Meetings July 17

Storm-damaged corn field in central Nebraska, July 10, 2014
Storm-damaged corn field in south central Nebraska, July 11. (Photo by Ron Seymour)


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