Formerly the University of Nebraska Agricultural Research and Education Center (ARDC).

Improving the Profitability of Fertilizer and Manure Use:<br /> New Research Findings and Tools

University of Nebraska-Lincoln Extension, Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources


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Nebraska 2009 Winter Wheat Seedings Down from last Year

January 23, 2009 Nebraska's winter wheat seeding for the 2009 cropis expected to total 1.70 million acres. This acreage level is down 3% or 50,000 acres from last year.

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Nebraska Cattle on Feed Down 6%, National Down 7%

January 23, 2009 Nebraska feedlots, with capacities of 1,000 or more head, contained 2.37 million cattle on feed on January 1. This inventory was down 6% from last year and 7% below January 1, 2007. Placements during December totaled 345,000 head, down 3% from last year and 12% below December 2007.

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Nebraska's 2008 Crop Production

January 23, 2009 Corn for grain production in Nebraska, based on year-end surveys, is estimated at 1.39 billion bushels, down 5% from the record high set in 2007. Yield of 163 bushels per acre is 3 bushels above last year and second highest of record. Last fallfarmers harvested 8.55 million acres of corn for grain, down 7% from 2007.

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UNL Research: Corn Ethanol Emits 51% Less Greenhouse Gas Than Gasoline

January 23, 2009

Corn ethanol directly emits an average of 51% less greenhouse gas than gasoline, as much as three times the reduction reported in earlier research. This new development is thanks to recent improvements in efficiency throughout the production process, University of Nebraska-Lincoln research shows.


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Rural Advantage/Healthy Farms Conference Feb. 13-14 in Grand Island

January 21, 2009

Nebraskans looking for new ways to use their agricultural products, develop new ideas or just plan benefit from living, working and raising a family in the country, can learn more at the Rural Advantage/Healthy Farmers Conference Feb. 13-14 at the Midtown Holiday Inn in Grand Island.


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