Formerly the University of Nebraska Agricultural Research and Education Center (ARDC).

Wheat Fungicide Update

May 1, 2009

Product Updates

The Environmental Protection Agency has approved new guidelines for application of the Syngenta Crop Protection fungicides Quilt and Tilt on wheat. Both fungicides can be applied up to Feekes growth stage 10.5 (full heading). The 45-day pre-harvest interval restriction has been removed.

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New Soybean Inoculants Extend Options, but Often Not Necessary

May 1, 2009

Research Shows that Only Select Fields Respond to Inoculation

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Scout Early Emerging Soybeans for Bean Leaf Beetles

May 1, 2009 With all of the spraying for soybean aphids last summer, we may not see a lot of bean leaf beetles this spring; however, we usually have at least a few areas each year with problems. Since early-planted, temporally isolated soybeans attract the most beetles and are the most susceptible to early damage, scout these fields first.


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Assessing And Reacting To Alfalfa Winterkill

May 1, 2009 Last winter was tough on alfalfa and winterkill will reduce forage production in many alfalfa fields this year. Damage is quite common north of the Platte River this spring. If you haven't gotten out in your fields yet to assess potential damage, this would be a good time. Act quickly and properly to minimize long-term losses.

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Field Updates

May 1, 2009 Keith Jarvi, Extension Educator in Dakota, Dixon, and Thurston counties: About 20% of the corn has been planted but things have slowed sown since last Saturday due to rainfall. We are seeing some winterkill of alfalfa with a lot of variability. Some fields look fine but others have large areas of winterkill.

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