Colorado Wheat Field Days in June

May 22, 2009

Colorado State University is hosting a series of Wheat Field Days in June. Along with tours of each of the variety trial sites, presentations will include:

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Range and Pasture Management Workshop June 16 at Sidney

May 22, 2009 Range and pasture management as well as forage production will be the topics of a June 16 workshop and tour at the fairgrounds in Sidney. Registration begins at 8:30 a.m. with the program to begin at 8:45 a.m. Topics will include:


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Field Updates

May 22, 2009

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USDA: Nebraska Crops Report and National Planting Progress

May 22, 2009

Table 1. Corn planting progress in the Corn Belt. (Source: USDA NationalAgricultural Statistics Service)

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Wheat Disease Update

Photo of Tan Spot
Figure 1. Tan spot

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Timing Postemergence Weed Control in Corn

May 15, 2009

The Critical Period of Weed Control

Nebraska Research: How Nitrogen Affected the CPWC in Dryland Corn

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