Digging into Extension, a CropWatch feature series, shines a spotlight on the professionals of Nebraska Extension, highlighting their roles in extension and services they provide to Nebraska farmers and ranchers.

Tips for Maximizing Nitrogen Efficiency

March 27, 2009

The roller coaster ride of fertilizer prices which began last summer has started to slow down, with prices for nitrogen and phosphorus near what they were a year ago, but perhaps 50% less than what they were mid to late summer of last year. While prices may be better for now, using fertilizer efficiently will help you reduce your input costs.

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Instructions for Nitrogen Slide Rule

Access a PDF version of the instructions without photos.

Information needed to use the Nitrogen Rate Slide chart (EC168):

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Survey: Nebraska Farmland Values Hit Plateau

March 27, 2009 Agricultural land values in Nebraska reached a plateau in the last year after several years of gains, according to preliminary estimates from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.

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Stabilizing Repaired Gullies with Cover Crops

March 27, 2009 If you didn't get a chance to repair field gullies last fall, repairing them now, before April rains come, can help reduce further erosion and maintain farmability.

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State's Drought Status Improves from 2008

March 27, 2009

No part of Nebraska is identified as in a drought and only 11% is identified as abnormally dry, according to the March 17 U.S. Drought Monitor. The abnormally dry area is in the western half of the Panhandle and due to hydrological dryness.

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