Digging into Extension, a CropWatch feature series, shines a spotlight on the professionals of Nebraska Extension, highlighting their roles in extension and services they provide to Nebraska farmers and ranchers.

Countering Heat Damage To Moist Hay

May 29, 2009 Did you bale some first cutting hay a little tough due to high humidity and frequent rain showers? If so, it could mold, spoil, or suffer heat damage.

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Cold Weather Likely Cause of Many Cedar Deaths

May 29, 2009 A large number of eastern redcedar trees in south central Nebraska died this spring, probably from very cold temperatures in March.

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Market Journal: Identifying Genetic Problems in Cattle

May 29, 2009 On this week's Market Journal Extension Geneticist Matt Spangler discusses why beef producers should be using DNA tests to identify carriers of genetic attributes in cattle. There is increasing concern about genetic defects in cattle, Spangler says.

Other segments on this week's program include:

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High Plains Ag Lab Field Day June 23

May 29, 2009 Wheat production will be the focus of the UNL High Plains Agricultural Labratory Field Day June 23 from 8:30 a.m. to noon. The event will include presentations and plot tours at the facility six miles northwest of Sidney in the Nebraska Panhandle.

Topics and Speakers

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USDA: Crops Report and Regional Crop Emergence Data

May 29, 2009

Table 1. Corn emergence progress in the Corn Belt. (Source: USDA NationalAgricultural Statistics Service)

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Be Alert to Pre-harvest Intervals for Wheat Fungicides

May 22, 2009 While wheat disease appears to be relatively low so far this year (see Wheat Disease Updates in CropWatch), if you do need to apply fungicide, be sure to check the pre-harvest intervals on product labels, said Stephen Wegulo, extension plant pathologist.

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