Leslie Johnson

student, faculty
Graduate Student
57905 866 Rd Concord NE 68728-2828
Work 402-584-3818 On campus, dial 7-3818
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I am the Animal Manure Management Extension Educator at the University of Nebraska. My role includes facilitating article development for manure.unl.edu and manure-related articles in other publications. I manage the online manure course and annual manure trainings across the state of Nebraska, as well as other manure programming in the state. I also serve as the webinar coordinator for the Livestock and Poultry Environmental Learning Community (https://lpelc.org) and am actively involved in the leadership team of the Soil Health Nexus (https://soilhealthnexus.org).


  • BS, University of Nebraska, 2006
  • MS, University of Nebraska, 2015

icon-bookmark-starAwards & Honors

  • Communication Award, National Association of County Agricultural Agents, 2021
  • Communication Award Finalist, National Association of County Agricultural Agents, 2021

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This Week on N Field: Severe Weather

April 5, 2024
Are you prepared for severe weather in 2024? In this episode, extension reviews some of the most important aspects of preparing for weather-related emergencies on the farm.

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This Week on N Field: Bomb Cyclone

April 5, 2024
Nebraska Extension Educator Amy Timmerman reflects on how the 2019 bomb cyclone affected Nebraskans, both then and now, and where individuals can seek help to cope with lingering impacts.

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Four-inch bare soil temp map

Weekly Weather Outlook and Update: April 4, 2024

April 5, 2024
The current outlook is favoring an early planting window in the core production areas of Nebraska, with drier conditions likely for most of the next two weeks.

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Nebraska waterfall

Nebraska Water Facts

April 4, 2024
This online resource highlights groundwater and surface water facts and statistics for the state of Nebraska.

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Two men sitting at table talking
Figuring out the best manure application plan for their fields are Sam Cares (left) and Lance Chandler at the recent Nebraska Extension “Manure Better” land application training. (Photo by Chabella Guzman)

‘Manure Better’ Workshop Focuses on Correct Application and its Impact

April 4, 2024
Attendees of the Manure Better workshop delved into multiple hands-on activities, from calculating and calibrating manure applications to looking at the nutrients and crop needs.

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Cover crop mix in field
The Cover Crops Field Day is free to attend, scheduled for 1-3 p.m. April 30 in Concord. (Photo by Katja Koehler-Cole)

April 30 Cover Crops Field Day Includes Tours and Research Updates

April 4, 2024
Attendees of the Cover Crops Field Day will learn about the N equivalence of cover crops, identifying species and understanding growth stages, and ways to incorporate cover crops to mitigate nitrate leaching in cornfields.

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Jamie Lahowetz standing in front of trees
Jamie Lahowetz manages the High Plains Regional Climate Center’s Automated Weather Data Network, which collects and processes a range of climate data across a six-state region. The center, affiliated with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, is operated by the School of Natural Resources at Nebraska. (Photo by Ryan Soderlin, University of Nebraska at Omaha)

Climate Center’s Online Tool Strengthens Understanding of Wind Trends

April 4, 2024
A new online wind climatology tool provides detailed wind data for any location in Nebraska, which will have practical, valuable applications for the agriculture industry, energy sector and emergency services.

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Nebraska’s net farm income is projected at $6 billion in 2024, down from $7.2 billion in 2023. (CAP photo)

Nebraska Farm Income Projected to Fall in 2024

April 4, 2024
The projected decline is attributed to a downturn in crop receipts in the state — due to lower crop prices in 2023 — that look to fall further in 2024.

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