March 2024 marked the five-year anniversary of the bomb cyclone hitting Nebraska. This can be a reminder of the resources available to those affected by significant weather events. In this episode, Nebraska Extension Educator Amy Timmerman reflects on how the 2019 bomb cyclone affected Nebraskans, both then and now, and where individuals can seek help to cope with lingering impacts.
Visit the UNL Disaster Education site for more.
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A product of Nebraska Extension, N Field Observations is a weekly podcast where UNL professionals share their field observations in brief segments, highlights specific topics and issues occurring in agriculture.
The N Field Observations Team

Amy Timmerman
Water and Integrated Cropping Systems Extension Educator
Holt County Extension

Aaron Nygren
Water and Integrated Cropping Systems Extension Educator
Saunders County Extension

Todd Whitney
Water and Integrated Cropping Systems Extension Educator
Phelps County Extension

Wayne Ohnesorg
Extension Educator, Entomologist
Madison County Extension

Steve Melvin
Irrigated Cropping Systems Extension Educator
Merrick County Extension

Chuck Burr
Water and Integrated Cropping Systems Extension Educator
West Central Research, Extension and Education Center

John Thomas
Water and Integrated Cropping Systems Extension Educator
Box Butte County Extension

Dylan Mangel
Extension Plant Pathologist
UNL Department of Plant Pathology

Tamra Jackson-Ziems
Extension Plant Pathologist
UNL Department of Plant Pathology

Amit Jhala
Extension Weed Management Specialist
Department of Agronomy and Horticulture