Leslie Johnson

student, faculty
Graduate Student
57905 866 Rd Concord NE 68728-2828
Work 402-584-3818 On campus, dial 7-3818
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I am the Animal Manure Management Extension Educator at the University of Nebraska. My role includes facilitating article development for manure.unl.edu and manure-related articles in other publications. I manage the online manure course and annual manure trainings across the state of Nebraska, as well as other manure programming in the state. I also serve as the webinar coordinator for the Livestock and Poultry Environmental Learning Community (https://lpelc.org) and am actively involved in the leadership team of the Soil Health Nexus (https://soilhealthnexus.org).


  • BS, University of Nebraska, 2006
  • MS, University of Nebraska, 2015

icon-bookmark-starAwards & Honors

  • Communication Award, National Association of County Agricultural Agents, 2021
  • Communication Award Finalist, National Association of County Agricultural Agents, 2021

Paradigm Shift in Water Management Recognized

May 23, 2008

Research Geared To Water Needs

As the state's water issues and priorities have changed over the last decade, UNL has initiated research and programs to help ag producers have the information they need for sound decision-making.

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Real-Time Water Quality Information Available Nationally

May 23, 2008

Real time water-quality data are now easily accessible online throughthe USGS WaterQualityWatch Web site.

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Match Hay Harvest to Livestock Nutrient Needs

May 23, 2008

Soon native meadows will start growing rapidly and bromegrass will be heading out. At the same time producers are in the midst of planting or fieldwork.

Some producers may plan to cut after cultivating or during the first or second corn irrigation. Others may harvest, based on plant growth stage, like full head.

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Tips for Staying Safe When Transporting Pesticides

May 23, 2008

Pesticides should always be handled carefully and according to the label. But when transporting pesticides, extra precautions are necessary to avoid potential problems in the event of an accident or spill. Because pesticides may be transported along public roads, the potential for damage from an accident is great.

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Using UNL's Plant and Pest Diagnostic Clinic

May 23, 2008

Accurate Diagnoses Begin with Quality Samples

Tips for Sample Collection

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    Rank Weed Species Competitiveness in Soybean

    May 23, 2008

    When Planning Control Measures

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